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Dual Enrollment Registration

Registration forms

Fill out and print the registration form that applies to your school. High schools will register early fall and spring. If the below link for your school is not active, that means your registration is not currently open. 

Once printed, collect all signatures required. The registration form must be turned in along with an application form EACH semester.

Registration can be turned in the following ways:

  • By attaching it with the paperclip icon on the DocuSign application;
  • Scanning and emailing it to [email protected];
  • Taking a photo and emailing it to [email protected];
  • Bring it in-person to Student Central at Great Falls College;
  • Fax it to 406-771-4329 (email [email protected] to ensure it is received)

Billings West High School

Cascade High School

CMR High School

Conrad High School

Forth Benton High School

Central Catholic High School

Great Falls High School

Harlowtown High School

Power High School

Shelby High School

Dual Enrollment Department


Call: (406) 771-4390

Email or Fax

Email: [email protected] | Fax: (406) 771-2267

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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