Great Falls College MSU graduates first class of Registered Nurses


On Thursday, July 28, Great Falls College MSU will graduate its first class of registered nursing students.

“This is an incredible class of students,” said Kim Martin, GFC MSU Nursing Program Director. “These men and 

Twenty-five registered nursing students will receive their nursing pins Thursday evening during a pinning ceremony.women are leaders and they will be leaders in the community.”

The 2016 Great Falls College MSU registered nursing class includes 25 graduating students. This is the first class of registered nurses to graduate from Great Falls College MSU. GFC MSU Photo

Pinning ceremonies are a long-standing nursing school tradition. Pins are presented to the newly graduated nurses by faculty members as a symbolic welcome into the profession.

Great Falls College MSU offers both a registered nursing and practical nursing program.

“This is a landmark accomplishment for Great Falls College MSU to graduate its first ever class of RNs,” said Frankie Lyons, Health Sciences Division Director. “This is something the community has wanted for a long time.”

This class of nursing students started in spring 2016. All 25 nursing students who started the program are graduating.

The nursing program at GFC MSU is a competitive-entry program and typically receives many more applications than available slots. Graduates are in high demand upon entering the workforce. The next class of RN students will start classes in August. More than 90 people applied for the program’s 30 slots.

For more information, contact:
Kim Martin
GFC MSU Nursing Program Director
Phone: 406.771.4356, Email: [email protected]

Erin Granger
Marketing Specialist
Phone: 406.771.4314; Email: [email protected]

Reporters are welcome to attend the RN pinning ceremony. It will be held Thursday, July 28 at 6 p.m. at the Great Falls International Airport in the Panorama Banquet Room.

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