Great Falls College MSU offers info sessions on Italy trip

Great Falls College MSU offers info sessions on Italy trip

GREAT FALLS – Great Falls College MSU is offering a second round of information sessions for those looking to learn more about a travel abroad opportunity planned for students and community members in June 2018.

Great Falls College MSU and the Center for Lifelong Learning are organizing a trip to Italy June 1-10, 2018. The 10-day trip will include visits to four cities in Italy: Florence, Verona, Venice and Lake Garda. The trip is open to GFC MSU students, Great Falls College Community Choir members and community members.

As part of the trip, Great Falls College MSU will offer a humanities course focusing on western civilization and Italian history. Students will learn about the architecture, art and music of Italy. Those going on the Italy trip have the option of taking the class for college credit or as a non-credit class through GFC MSU’s Center for Lifelong Learning.

“We are very excited to offer our first travel abroad opportunity through Lifelong Learning,” said Heather Palermo, director of the Center for Lifelong Learning at GFC MSU. “Part of Lifelong Learning is that continuing education can happen all over the world.”

Members of the Great Falls College Community Choir will perform in the Basilica di Santa Croce in Florence. They will sing John Rutter’s Requiem, under the direction of John Rutter.

“Last spring, our choir had a chance to sing in Carnegie Hall in New York City,” said Cynthia Stevens, department chair of Fine Arts and Humanities at GFC MSU. “That was such a wonderful experience that we wanted to plan another trip and include students and community members who are not part of the choir.”

To learn more about this study abroad opportunity, plan to attend an info session at Great Falls College MSU, 2100 10th Ave. S. Sessions will be held:

  •  Monday, June 19, 5:30-6:30 p.m. in room B108
  • Tuesday, June 20, 12-1 p.m. in room B108

For more information on the release, contact:

Heather Palermo
Director of Lifelong Learning
Phone: 406-771-2290
[email protected]

Erin Granger
Marketing Specialist
Phone: 406-771-4314
[email protected]

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