At Great Falls College, we’re here to help you succeed. Our affordable, high-quality education is designed to get you where you want to go, whether that’s starting a new career, preparing you to transfer to get a bachelor’s degree or picking up new skills. With small class sizes, dedicated faculty and a supportive learning environment, you’ll get the personalized attention and hands-on experience you need. We offer a diverse range of programs tailored to meet the needs of our community, so whatever your goals are, we’ve got you covered. Join the River Otter family at Great Falls College — your success is our priority!
Students who have graduated high school or earned their HiSET/GED and are starting college for the first time.
Students who have attended another college and are transferring with earned credits.
Students who are former Great Falls College students and are returning to school.
Students who are in the military and want to take classes at Great Falls College.
Students who need a few classes, for personal growth or to complete a degree elsewhere.
Students still in high school who want to get ahead with their college education.
Students who are non-US citizens interested in a degree from Great Falls College.
Tuition and fees are below the national average at around $2,000 a semester for full-time students.
We have options that allow you to complete classes on campus, online or hybrid in just eight weeks, making it easier to juggle school, family and work obligations.
Benefit from small class sizes and individualized attention to support your success.
Easily transfer your credits to a four-year institution in Montana and beyond.
I have had a great experience at Great Falls College so far. The teachers, my peers are very welcoming and supportive. I have had good experiences with admissions and the counselors here. They have helped me and guided me and convinced me to come back to school, which I’m very thankful for.
Jaida Bynum, Nursing
Access all the forms you need to complete your application and ensure your paperwork is in order as you take the first step toward joining Great Falls College.
Keep track of important dates and deadlines throughout the academic year. Plan your courses effectively and stay on schedule with our latest academic calendars.
Learn about the requirements and benefits of establishing Montana residency for tuition purposes. Find out how to qualify as a Montana resident.
Click the button below to schedule a campus visit and experience life at our college. See our campus, meet faculty, and explore programs.
Shannon Marr
Director of Recruitment & Enrollment
(406) 771-4408
Student Central
Sherry Lynn Dow
Admissions Representative
(406) 771-4376
Student Central
Linda Remy
Administrative Associate
(406) 771-2269
Student Central
Staci Weigum
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
(406) 771-4376
Student Central
Call: (406) 268-3700
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.