Home / Transfer Opportunities / Montana State University 1+3 BS Industrial and Management Systems Engineering

Transfer Pathways: Montana State University

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Transfer to Montana State University in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering

The 1+3 agreement with articulated coursework in Engineering and General Studies from Great Falls College is designed for students interested in a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering at Montana State University.

Year 1 – Courses taken through Great Falls College


WRIT 101W *,**

College Writing I

CHMY 141College Chemistry I
M 171Q *,**Calculus I4
M 172Q*,**Calculus II4
CSCI 111 *

Programming with Java I

PHSX 220 *Physics I


COMX 111 ***Introduction to Public Speaking3
University COREArt, Humanities, Social Science or Diversity CORE Classes9
Total credits for year34
Many students need preliminary math and writing courses before enrolling in the program requirements. These courses may increase the total number of program credits. Students should review their math and writing placement before planning out their full program schedule.
* Key courses
** Placement in course(s) determined by admissions assessment
*** Assumes COMX 111 transfers to MSU Bozeman with a US Core designation.

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