Home / Transfer Opportunities / University of Montana School of Social Work

Transfer Pathways: University of Montana

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Transfer to Montana State University in Bachelor of Arts in Social Work

Students completing the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science and prerequisites at Great Falls College may transfer 60 or more credits toward the BA in Social Work at University of Montana – School of Social Work.

Course Name




SW 100 Intro to Social Welfare 3
SW 200 Intro to Social Work Practice 3

BIOB 101 Discover Biology w/lab or: 

BIOB 160 Princ. Of Living Systems w/lab


ECNS 201 Micro Economics or:

ECNS 202 Macro Economics

PSCI 210 Introduction to American Government 3
PSYX 100 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSYX 230 Developmental Psychology (across the lifespan) 3
SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology 3

Other courses should be taken to complete the AA or AS in General Studies degrees at Great Falls College before transferring to the Unviversity of Montana School of Social Work. Please consult your advisor.

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