Getting an associate’s degree from Great Falls College is an affordable and practical way to start your education. The college offers small class sizes and personalized support, helping students build a strong academic foundation. With transfer agreements in place, it’s easy to continue to a four-year program while saving money on general education courses. Additionally, earning an associate’s degree provides a valuable credential for those entering the workforce or pursuing further education. Upon completion of the 31 credits required in the core, you are eligible to receive a certificate in General Studies that you can use to demonstrate completion of the core when transferring within the Montana University System.
WRIT 101 College Writing |
COMX Intro to Interpersonal Communication |
LSH 201 Intro to the Humanities |
HSTR Modern World History |
Transfer to a four-year program, administrative assistant, customer service representative, human resources assistant, marketing assistant, library technician, nonprofit program assistant, sales associate.