Certificate of General Studies Program

Home / Academic Programs / Certificate of General Studies
Delivery Options:
Online, Onsite
Degree Type:
Certificate of General Studies
Program Length Once Accepted To Program:
4 Semesters

Why Pursue Certificate of General Studies?

Upon completion of the 31 credits required in the core, you are eligible to receive a certificate in General Studies. The certificate recognizes the completion of the core and is approved by the Montana University System Board of Regents. You can use the certificate to demonstrate completion of the core when transferring within the Montana University System or as a milestone to earning an associate of arts or associate of science degree.

Graduates are prepared to:

  • Written communication: engage in critical inquiry, support assertions with evidence, understand, citation systems, give/receive feedback, read critically.
  • Oral communication: engage in critical inquiry event/draft/edit presentations, deliver clear presentations, listen, actively, adapt to audience and give/receive feedback.
  • Mathematics: apply skills to other courses, reason analytically/quantitatively, think critically, understand, quantitative aspects of current events, and make informed decisions.
  • Humanities: explore human meaning, respect, global values, communicate assessments of values systems, construct, beliefs, understand, global concepts, and integrate humanities.
  • Fine arts: demonstrate creative processes, analyze, artistic works, understand, artistic expressions, and connect art to societal changes.
  • Natural Science: identify/solve problems, use logical skills, understand, subject matter, communicate, scientifically, use quantitative skills, integrate analysis, and understand sciences role in technology.
  • Social sciences: analyze institutions/traditions, understand, human behavior, gather/analyze data, synthesize, historical ideas, and support hypotheses with data.
  • History: analyze, historical phenomena, present evidence – based narratives, distinguish between sources, interpret various evidence forms, and understand historical differences/similarities.
  • Cultural diversity: recognize cultural diversity, importance, understand, impact of discrimination, interact effectively with diverse people and advocate for non-discriminatory policies.
  • Cultural heritage of American Indians: courses include significant content related to American Indian cultural heritage.
Students walking on campus.

Types of courses

WRIT 101 College Writing I
M 121 College Algebra
LIT 110 Introduction to Literature
CHMY 101 Discover Chemistry
ANTY 101 Anthropology and the Human Experience
NASX 232 Montana Indians: Cultures, Histories, Current Issues

Career Opportunities

Photo of students and instructor in a lab classroom.

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