Home / Committees / Curriculum Council

Curriculum Council

Contact Information

Great Falls College MSU
2100 16th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT 59405


Brad Bechard, PT, DPT, NCS

Brad Bechard, PT, DPT, NCS
Physical Therapist Assistant Program Director


The Curriculum Council at Great Falls College plays a vital role in maintaining and enhancing the academic standards of the institution. Its primary responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing Curriculum Proposals
  • Making Recommendations
  • Approving Curriculum Changes

Areas of responsibility

  1. Consider, make recommendations to, and approve curriculum (incorporates programs and courses) proposals originating from faculty, programs, departments, chairs, Faculty Senate, and Curriculum Council;
  2. Consider creation, modifications and deletions to curriculum;
  3. Determine that any program or department potentially affected by a proposed modification has been notified and has been given an opportunity to provide a written or oral response to the proposal;
  4. Establish procedural policies which will include a provision to ensure that curriculum proposals and proposed modifications receive timely consideration;
  5. Publish its agenda, meeting time and meeting place so that interested persons have an opportunity to attend and participate in council deliberations;
  6. Track and maintain council membership and officers through elected terms;
  7. Maintain and update Curriculum Council forms as needed to comply with stakeholder requirements.


Members of the Curriculum Council consists of 12 members:  For the purpose of representing a wider selection of faculty membership, faculty positions will be filled by any academic program director or faculty.
The Curriculum Council will consist of:
  • Two faculty elected from Health Sciences division
  • Two faculty elected from General Studies division
  • One faculty elected from Career & Technical Education division
  • One faculty elected at large from any division
  • One faculty elected at large to represent adjunct faculty
  • Two students appointed by Associated Students of GFC MSU
Ex-Officio Members:
  • Executive director of instruction
  • Registrar
  • Assessment committee chair
  • Accreditation liaison officer
  • Academic advisor
*A quorum of the Curriculum Council will consist of fifty percent (50%) plus one of the voting non-student membership. No meeting will be official unless a quorum is present.

Term Limits

Members will serve a four-year term through a staggered rotation with the exception of student representatives who will serve a one-year term. Terms end the last meeting of the spring semester.  Members are not limited on the number of terms they can run for upon re-election into the council. Officers will serve a two-year term and can run for as many terms as they wish if re-elected into the position.

Committee MemberCommittee Member NameCommittee Member RoleCommittee Member Represents
Brad BechardChairHealth Sciences
Toni SawhillMemberGeneral Studies
Jessica BoyerMemberCTE
Leanne FrostMemberRepresenting CAO (non-voting)
Dena Wagner-FossenMemberRegistrar (non-voting)
Samuel DownsMemberGeneral Studies
Daisy GibsonMemberAdjunct Faculty
Eleazar OrtegaMemberInstitutional Effectiveness (non-voting)
Julie BarnwellMemberHealth Sciences (non-voting)
Kaia EcklundMemberKaia Ecklund, Student Government
Meeting Type: Formal
Meets: 1st and 3rd Friday of each month during Fall and Spring semesters
Time: 10-11:30 a.m.

The curriculum council will review all council documents and update as needed to align with the needs of all stakeholders by the end of the academic year.

Meeting agendas are not posted publicly for this committee.

Meeting minutes are not posted publicly for this committee.

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