The History of Great Falls College

The original building concept drawing of the COT, 1970
In 1994, the College of Technology was renamed Montana State University Great Falls
The B-Wing was completed in 1999.
In 2000, the Surgical Technology & Dental Hygiene programs began
The first ever College House Groundbreaking Ceremony, October 13, 2009
In 2010, the Sustainable Energy & Pharmacy Technology pograms began
Construction of the wind turbine begins in 2010
The dedication of the Simulated Hospital was held on November 29, 2011
In 2011, the Veterans Center opened
The Child Development Center was completed in December 2012
In 2013, Project Homeless Connect, led by Dental Hygiene students, earned the American Dental Association Community Service Award
In 2014, Great Falls College started its first College & Community Choir
Montana Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) Balloon Launch at US Senator Jon Tester's ranch in 2015
Great Falls College hosted the 21st Annual Night Out For Science, a fundraising event to benefit STEAM scholarships
with funding from the CHEO Grant, GFC MSU simulated hospital welcomed the computerized human patient simulator, or SIM Man
The Great Falls College Community Choir held its debut performance in New York’s Carnegie Hall May 28, 2016.
In 2016, Governor Bullock visited welding facilities faculty, staff and students


  • In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Great Falls College transitioned to hybrid learning models, ensuring continuity of education while prioritizing health and safety.
  • Great Falls College and Montana State-Northern expanded its partnership to offer more classes on the Great Falls College campus.
  • Great Falls College was designated a GEM school in partnership with the Community College of the Air Force
  • Great Falls College awarded its childcare facility contract to the TCL Center, after the former contractor, Bright Horizons, closed because of the pandemic.



  • Susan Wolff retired after nine years of serving as CEO/dean of Great Falls College.
  • Stephanie Erdmann became the seventh CEO/dean of Great Falls College on July 1.
  • Alluvion donated $15,000 to the college’s new dental student lab.
  • The college had a ribbon cutting for its new dental clinic. The project added 12,000 square feet to the clinic and remodeled another 6,600 square feet, giving the student hygienists and patients a much more comfortable, moder experience.



  • Great Falls College added a licensed addictions counselor program and a pair of business programs.
  • Great Falls College received a $100,000 grant and technical assistance to support brand-building and strategic marketing efforts from The Million Dollar Community College Challenge sponsored by Lumina Foundation.
  • Great Falls College changed the name of its center for veterans, their spouses and their dependents to the Military Family Center to more accurately reflect the mission of the center.



  • Great Falls College launched a campaign to create a new mascot, ultimately deciding on the River Otter after rounds of voting from students, faculty, staff and the community to represent the institution.
  • Great Falls College’s Weaver Library underwent a major facelift and rejuvenation of its space to better align the library with its mission to be a support hub for students. Accessibility services and the Academic Support Center also moved into the library.
  • Great Falls College welcomed its first cohort of students to the new Early Childhood Education program.
  • In November 2023, Montana State University broke ground on a new nursing school building in Great Falls. This facility is part of a $101 million donation from Mark and Robyn Jones to construct new nursing education buildings across Montana.



  • The college received an additional $150,000 from the Million Dollar Community Challenge as it was lauded for its wise of the first $100,000.
  • Great Falls College’s welding program received a grant from Phillips 66 to provide students with more opportunities.
  • Great Falls College launched a campaign to name its new River Otter mascot, culminating in the selection of “Mo” after a month-long voting process.
  • Great Falls College’s Veterinary Technician program received a $250,000 workforce training grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and its National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
  • As part of its $100 million Investment in Rural Communities, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses and Great Falls College are partnering to bring the results-oriented training program to small business owners in the region.
  • Great Falls College added a CTS offering to its Addictions Counseling program.



  • The Military Family Center and Native American Enrichment Center both moved more into the heart of campus with nice, modern facilities that promote togetherness while also housing quiet study rooms for students.
  • Great Falls College received approval from both the Office of Commissioner of Higher Education and Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities to offer a certificate of technical studies in Addictions Counseling.
  • The college is updating its interior and exterior signage in part with money from the Million Dollar Community Challenge to give the campus a stronger sense of place.


  • Dr. Waded Cruzado appointed as president of Montana State University.
  • Dr. Joe Schaffer accepted a permanent appointment as CEO and dean of MSU – Great Falls.
  • Great Falls Emergency Services donated a working ambulance to the EMS-Paramedic Program at MSU – Great Falls.
  • A 50kW wind turbine was installed, which provided supplemental power to the colleges trades building as well as serving as a training tool for students in the Sustainable Energy Program.
  • Montana’s first lady Nancy Schweitzer visited the college’s dental clinic and viewed the Dental Hygiene students practicing their skills. 
  • The college formed the Dean’s Advisory Council to help ensure a strong community voice in guiding the work of the college.
  • Montana State University was approved to administrate the two-year programs in Bozeman through the Gallatin College Programs (formerly the MSU – Great Falls’ extension, College of Technology in Bozeman)
  • The following two new programs began: Sustainable Energy Technology and Pharmacy Technician.



  • The Common Ground Operational Plan was put into effect.
  • The dedication of the Simulated Hospital was held on Nov. 29.
  • The college implemented the following programs 100% online to meet the student demand for flexible scheduling: Pharmacy Technician certification, Business Administration Management AAS and Health Informatics Technology certification.
  • The Veteran Success Center opened on campus as a result of efforts by student veterans and Student Affairs staff.
  • The college welcomed the addition of the advising center to campus as well to the consolidation and remodeling of the college’s Bookstore and Café.
  • MSU – Great Falls announced the establishment of the College’s Development Board, which is responsible for resource development activities.
  • Fundraising goal for beginning construction on Child Development Center is reached.
  • The Advising and Career Center opened and will help students succeed and assist them in their college experience.
  • The Auto Body Collision and Repair Program was closed.
  • Two new programs were approved, ASN: Registered Nurse program and Dietetic Technician to begin in Fall of 2012.



  • Dr. Gwen Joseph was appointed as Interim CEO and dean.
  • MSU – Great Falls was recognized by the G.I. Jobs magazine as a Military Friendly School.
  • Groundbreaking began on the Child development Center.
  • The Board of Regents renamed the College as Great Falls College Montana State University on June 28.
  • Dr. Susan J. Wolff began her term as CEO and dean of the college on July 16.
  • MSU – Great Falls is part of an eight-member consortium of colleges received a $14 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career program for developing online and hybrid health care and science courses to accommodate working students.
  • On Aug. 17 U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. and U.S. Rep. Dennis Rehberg participated in a public veteran’s round table discussion at Great Falls College MSU.
  • The Child Development Center construction was completed in December 2012.
  • The new logo for the college was approved.
  • Program changes:  Nursing program on temporary hold for FY2013; Welding program ramps up for anticipated worker demand in community
  • The Montana Board of Nursing approved the Registered Nursing program allowing the College to plan for its first cohort of RN students in fall of 2012.



  • Bright Beginnings Learning Center opened in January.
  • The success of the first annual Project Homeless Connect led by Dental Hygiene students earned the American Dental Association Community Service Award for the Dental Hygiene program.
  • Issksiniip Native American Enrichment Center opened in February.
  • Community surveyed to lay foundation for Academic Master Plan.
  • Planning began for Strategic Enrollment Management.
  • Great Falls College expanded the Welding Technology program to address the workforce needs of companies moving into north central Montana.
  • Great Falls College received a $30,000 donation from General Distributing Company that will support the expanding needs of the welding program and help fund the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) gap analysis.
  • Through a new partnership with MSU Northern, Great falls College practical nursing graduates will be allowed to earn their associate of science in nursing degree entirely in Great Falls.



  • More than 125 representatives from 13 institutions of higher education gathered in Great Falls to mark the beginning of a four-year partnership with the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant. This grant was later named Rev Up Montana.
  • The work on the Strengthening Workforce Alignment in Montana’s Manufacturing and Energy Industries (SWAMMEI) project has begun. The project was later renamed RevUp.
  • The Development Board raised 11 endowed student scholarships ($25,000 each), increased contributions for a faculty and staff professional development endowment and a future program development endowment, and have received local business support for scholarships for dual credit students in welding and construction.
  • Great Falls College was awarded $325,000 by Gov. Steve Bullock on March 12 to assist with the expansion of the welding technology program.
  • Great Falls College has partnered with the Montana State University’s College of Engineering to offer a 1+3 Civil Engineering transfer program.
  • Great Falls College started its very first College and Community Choir.
  • On Aug. 19, Great Falls College hosted a Main Street Montana Public Forum.
  • Great Falls College was among 15 Montana colleges to receive funding in the amount of $637,940 from the U.S. Department of Labor’s TAACCCT IV grant for Montana Health CARE (Creating Access to Rural Education) to develop accelerated nursing programs and a common health sciences curriculum.



  • With funding from the CHEO Grant, the Great Falls College simulated hospital welcomed its newest piece of equipment, a state of the computerized human patient simulator.
  • Great Falls College partnered with the Montana Space Grant Consortium. Allowing students opportunities to apply for summer internships or scholarships to work on NASA-related projects such as the Space Science Engineering Lab at MSU in Bozeman.
  • Ms. Nancy Cameron Davidson, a Montana State University alumna, gifted Great Falls College $650,000. This provided 18 new endowed scholarships. Beginning fall 2016, approximately $24,000 in scholarships was awarded annually. Included in the gift was $50,000 to assist the Great Falls College Community Choir to attend Carnegie Hall in May 2016.
  • Matthew Fisher, biology faculty, participated in a Montana Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) Balloon Launch at U.S. Senator Jon Tester’s ranch to highlight the MSGC’s efforts in organization of the nationwide event to document the 2017 solar eclipse.
  • Great Falls College hosted the 1st Annual “No More: Let’s End Violence in our Community” an event to raise awareness of domestic violence in the community.
  • In May, Great Falls College hosted the first “A Night Out for Science,” a fundraising event to benefit STEM scholarships.
  • The Outreach Division underwent a name change to Center for Lifelong Learning.
  • Great Falls College received notice of reaffirmation of full accreditation for the next seven years on July 24 from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
  • Centene Corporation generously gifted operational funding for the Veteran’s Success Center in the amount of $40,000 for the next two years. In addition, Davidson Companies provided $3,000 and Walmart provided $2,500 to assist with the Veteran Success Center operations.



  • Great Falls College completed an academic prioritization process, which began the previous fall semester.
  • The dental assisting and hygiene program students teamed with local dentists and other dental professionals to host the first No Smile Left Behind Community Dental Day to provide free dental services to the community.
  • Dr. Susan J. Wolff has been named the 2015 Mike Malone Montana Educator of the year by the Montana Ambassadors for her outstanding accomplishments and excellence in the field of education and leadership in workforce development.  The Ambassador awards were announced by Gov. Steve Bullock.
  • Gov. Steve Bullock visited the Great Falls College welding facilities to see the remodeled space in action. While here, he was able to visit with faculty, staff and students, as well as administrators from the Great Falls Public Schools, dual enrollment and adult education students, and students participating in 7th grade tours.
  • Great Falls College graduated its first class of registered nurses.



  • Great Falls College removed its wind turbine from campus because it had stopped working and was too costly to repair and maintain. One of the blades still resides on campus.



  • Great Falls College introduced and implemented a changeover to a new 8-week block scheduling, called the 8-Week Advantage.
  • Great Falls College graduated its first class of Computer Programming students.
  • Great Falls College opened its first dedicated Student Research Lab to be used for research and independent study projects.
  • Benefis Health System awarded Great Falls College a $112,000 donation in support of the college’s nursing and surgical technology programs.
  • Great Falls College partnered with City College to offer Surgical Technology in Billings.



  • The college launched an initiative to support Native American students, offering additional resources and cultural events to promote inclusivity with the Native American Enrichment Center.
  • Great Falls College introduced a CTS and AAS to its cybersecurity programs.
  • Great Falls College approved a new policy to become a 100 percent tobacco free campus.
  • Great Falls College received its designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education from the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security, making the college one of only two such designees in Montana and 312 in the country.
  • The Montana Legislature approved $4.25 million for a dental clinic expansion project. The expanded, state-of-art clinic allows the college to accept 25 dental hygiene students each year and another 10 students every other year to better fill the workforce void of hygienists. Previously, the college could only accept 18 students each year.


  • The following two new programs began–Surgical Technology and Dental Hygiene.



  • A shortage of teachers prompted Pathways to Elementary Education – a partnership with MSU–Northern.
  • The college was named a Cisco Regional Academy.
  • Mary Moe was appointed CEO and dean.



  • Health Information Technology was made available entirely online.
  • Enrollment in Internet classes represented 17% of the college’s total FTE.



  • Design Drafting Technology awarded its first AAS degree.
  • 52% of the college’s full-time faculty now teach online.
  • Three community members were appointed by Gov. Judy Martz to serve as the college’s Executive Committee.
  • The average student age was 29.8.



  • First class of 14 students graduated with an AAS in Dental Hygiene.
  • The Associate of Arts degree was approved by the regents.
  • The college was awarded the RITE grant from the National Science Foundation to focus on information technology education.
  • Online offerings were added to face-to-face dual credit courses available to high schools.



  • The college piloted a certificate in Creative Arts Enterprise, laying the foundation for workforce development in the creative sector.
  • House Bill 540 secured $11 million for a new addition to the campus.
  • The college initiated the AAS degree in Aviation at the College of Technology in Bozeman.



  • An AAS in Radiological Technology was approved. The program was a cooperative effort with Benefis Healthcare. The Physical Therapist Assistant program was brought out of moratorium.
  • A groundbreaking ceremony celebrated the facilities renovation and building project due for completion in late 2007.
  • The average student age is 28.4.



  • A groundbreaking ceremony for the Construction and Industrial Trades Building was held on Aug. 27.
  • The College Planning, Budget and Analysis Committee (CPBAC) was formed with representation from all major constituencies on campus to ensure that the college’s progress toward its mission is on target, tracked and appropriately funded.
  • Outcomes assessment has engaged faculty and staff campus-wide. The measurement of student learning is the focus of this ongoing, integrated effort.
  • Enrollment at the college reached 1,212, including the College of Technology at Bozeman.
  • FY07 – The Surgical Technology program was designated as one of the Elite Top Twenty programs in the nation ranking 11 out of 20.
  • The average student age is 26.



  • On Jan. 9, students and faculty participating in Orientation Day were invited to attend a Flag Ceremony to commemorate our military students and staff. The flag that was raised had been flown over the U.S. Capitol on Veteran’s Day in 2007.
  • A grand opening of the new building expansion was held on Feb. 12 with the theme ‘Look How Far We’ve Come.’ More than 350 people attended.
  • In May, the first class of Physical Therapist Assistants graduated since the program was taken out of moratorium in 2007.
  • The Web Development Program was recognized nationally as recipient of the 2007 WOW Academy of the Year Award.
  • The Practical Nurse program ranked first out of 799 programs for the period of October 2007 through March 2008 based on percentage of graduates passing the National Council Licensure Examination.
  • The Construction and Industrial Trades Building held their grand opening. Welding and Carpentry programs began in the new Construction and Industrial Trades building fall semester 2008. 
  • The Medical Assistant program was brought out of moratorium.



  • Joe Schaffer was appointed as interim CEO and dean. Weaver Library was dedicated in honor of Will and Nancy Weaver.
  • MSU – Great Falls launches new website!
  • $1.9 m grant was received to promote wind energy curriculum and infrastructure through statewide partnerships.
  • Funding received from the legislature for Child Care Center and Simulated Hospital.
  • The Great Falls Public Schools Adult Basic Literacy Education Program (ABLE) moved to the MSU – Great Falls Campus.
  • Oct. 13 marked the first ever College House Groundbreaking Ceremony where the Great Falls College MSU carpentry students built a home for NeighborWorks Great Falls.
  • Graphic Design was introduced as a new program.
  • Invenergy donated two wind turbine blades that are 122 feet long and weigh 6.5 tons to MSU-Great Falls College of Technology’s Wind Energy program.



  • The Center was granted the authority to award associate of applied science degrees in allied health, business and office technology and trades and technology. The center converted from quarter to semester credits.



  • A five-year grant was received to pilot the Tech Prep program in Montana. The North Central Montana Tech Prep Consortium was formed with articulation agreements in place with 41 high schools throughout Montana to allow high school students to complete courses transcripted toward a two-year associate of applied science degree at the College of Technology–Great Falls.  



  • On July 1, the center became affiliated with Montana State University and renamed ‘Montana State University College of Technology – Great Falls. Governance of the Montana University System remained headed by the Board of Regents with state public postsecondary institutions affiliated with both the University of Montana and Montana State University reporting to the regents.
  • The Great Falls Higher Education Center was identified by Commissioner Jeffrey Baker as being located at the MSU College and the dean of the college was appointed as director of the Great Falls Higher Education Center.
  • Reaffirmed as an accredited institution by the Northwest Commission of Schools and Colleges. 
  • A partnership was developed with the Montana Job Service to provide student placement through a counselor located on campus. 
  • A partnership to provide distance education through METNET, a two-way interactive video system was developed.



  • The College of Technology established a customized training office off-campus.
  • The Board of Regents approved the associate degree.
  • Funding was received through MSU Bozeman for architectural services to establish a building plan for the completion of the unfinished portion of the college.
  • MSU’s President, Dr. Michael Malone, in conjunction with the dean of the College of Technology named an institutional advisory board made up of Great Falls business leaders to give input to chart the course for the College of Technology and for two-year education in the Great Falls area.



  • The College of Technology was approved to deliver technical programs to Bozeman.
  • Groundwork was laid to seek approval for the associate of science degree with articulations to four-year colleges.
  • Development of the MSU College of Technology Customized Training Center downtown co-located with High Plains Development Authority, Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce and the Business Improvement District.



  • The planning for the upcoming renovation project was a campus-wide effort. The completion of the project was slated for August 1999.
  • 1,465 people were served through customized training opportunities in 1997. 571 students attended computer seminars.



  • Initial efforts were made to develop the college as a Regional Cisco Academy to offer training to both college students and high school teachers.
  • In September, the groundbreaking for B-Wing/South Court building project began.
  • The following new program began: Web Development Technology.
  • As of fall semester, enrollment reached a record of 1,000 students.



  • The B-Wing/South Court building project was completed in the spring semester.
  • The first Med Prep Conference to prepare high school students for health careers was held.
  • Banner 2000 was adopted to handle payroll, student records, financial aid and business office data.
  • The first Storefront University was held downtown in October.
  • There were 12 Internet courses offered fall semester 1999 with 157 enrollments.
  • Health Information Technology courses were developed to be offered over METNET interactive video.


  • Will Weaver was appointed dean.



  • Commencement exercises were established to include all students finishing their programs and were held at the end of each academic term. This replaced graduation ceremonies for each program.



  • In July, the state legislature delegated the general administration and supervisory control of Montana’s five vocational-technical centers to the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education.



  • In August, the Board of Regents approved an articulation agreement between the Great Falls Vocational-Technical Center and Northern Montana College to offer two associate of science degrees, Business Administration and Computer Information Systems, in Great Falls.



  • Vocational Technical Centers were established by the Montana Legislature in Great Falls, Butte, Helena, Missoula and Billings to offer employment training in vocational and technical fields including adult education, licensed practical nursing, dental assisting and food services. Original governance was under the Great Falls School District. 



  • Programs were physically consolidated into two elementary schools (Largent and Washington) and administered as the Great Falls Vocational Technical Center. The Center was governed by the Office of Public Instruction and administered by policy regulation of the local board of trustees of the Great Falls Public Schools-District A.



  • A plan for land acquisition and building construction of a unified center was approved for $4,000,000; $2,000,000 state monies and $2,000,000 local monies.



  • On March 12, building construction began on 35 acres of land located at 2100 16th Avenue South.



  • The center building was completed in December 1976.



  • The center was accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges.

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