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Non-Degree Students

Enhance Your Journey

Non-degree students are typically those who wish to pursue a college education for the purpose of personal growth rather than a formal degree. Some are taking one or two classes from us to fulfill degree requirements elsewhere, or they are enrolled in short-term training opportunities with us (i.e. 16-week, seven credit EMT course).

  • Non-Degree students do not need to provide proof of high school completion or college credits. However:
    • If taking more than six credits, non-degree students must provide a record of two MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccinations. For more information, read catalog section 2.B.
    • If taking a course that has prerequisites or placement, you must provide documentation such as previous college credit or placement scores. Check the course description here.
  • Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid.
  • Non-degree students who later wish to change to a degree program must furnish required supporting documentation and meet all regular admission requirements.

Ready to apply as a non-degree student?

Click the button to be redirected to our application portal through ApplyMontana. This portal allows you to apply to any Montana University System campus, including our college, through one application process. The application fee will be waived for all Montana residents. All other applicants will be charged a $30.00 fee for each application submitted.

Note: When you are prompted to answer the question: “Please indicate your area of academic interest.”, make sure you answer Non-Degree.

Next Steps After Applying to Great Falls College

Once you have completed your admissions file with us, you’ll be ready for these next steps:

  • Complete the online orientation module that will be emailed to you
  • Meet with your Academic Advisor to register for classes (we will call you to schedule)

Admissions Department

Call or Text

Call: (406) 268-3700

Text: (406) 412-3735

Email or Fax

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (406) 771-2267

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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