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Advising & Career Services

Plan your Journey, Achieve Your Goals

Your academic advisor is one of the most important and helpful individuals to you during your time at Great Falls College. It is important for students to work with their advisor on all decisions regarding course load and plans. Students should visit their advisor on a regular basis.

Degree-seeking students must meet with an advisor each semester before registering for upcoming classes.

Personalized support for your academic & Career goals

  • Selecting courses that match your interests and skills
  • Choosing a degree program
  • Making a long-term academic plan to meet your goals
  • Interpretation of placement test scores
  • Short- and long-term academic planning
  • Registration procedures and class scheduling
  • Transfer information
  • Completing an application for graduation
  • Academic concerns
  • Making referrals to college and community resources
  • Withdrawing from classes


Your advisor is here to assist you with achieving educational goals through an interactive advising and educational partnership. With your advisor, you will develop a plan of study based on your prior academic preparation and objectives.

You are encouraged to see your advisor early in the semester to plan a course of study that will help meet your interests and goals. Contact your advisor more frequently when receiving an unsatisfactory grade report, you are unsure of your major, thinking of changing your schedule, or you are experiencing difficulties that are interfering with your academic progress.

Your assigned advisor will be listed on Banner Web/My Info.

To find your advisor:

  • Go to www.gfcmsu.edu
  • Hover over My Great Falls College in the navigation bar
  • Click Current Students from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on Banner Web/My Info
  • Click on Enter Secure Area
  • Enter your User ID (student ID number with the “-”) and your PIN number
  • Go to Student Information/Services
  • Click on Program and Advisor
  • Select the term
  • Your program (major) and advisor are listed on this page

Once you have familiarized yourself with requirements for your program in the Great Falls College Catalog, ask specific questions that will help clarify requirements.

If you are completing two or more programs, be sure to clarify what courses may count for more than one program.

If you are unsure of your program, ask for suggestions about ways to explore possible majors.

Review your full academic plan from the time you enter until you plan to graduate so you can keep on track and complete coursework in an efficient manner.

Discuss your academic progress since the last visit with your advisor and your plans until the next visit.

Ask for suggestions for academic support if you are struggling in one or more courses.

Ask for referrals to campus and community resources to help with any problems that are affecting your coursework and success.

Complete, in advance of the meeting, any required paperwork, as requested by your advisor.

Advisors will:

  • Encourage and guide students to define and develop realistic educational goals
  • Communicate the college’s degree requirements, policies and procedures
  • Listen carefully to questions, concerns and confusions
  • Monitor students’ progress
  • Match students’ needs with available resources and make referrals
  • Discuss students’ academic performances and the impact on their future goals
  • Listen and respect students as individuals with unique needs, abilities and interests
  • Provide students with accurate information and follow-up if any questions are left unanswered
  • Discuss the relationship between academic preparation and the working world 


Advisees will:

  • Clarify personal values and goals
  • Become knowledgeable about college programs, policies and procedures
  • Keep lines of communication open
  • Keep a personal record of academic progress
  • Follow through on suggested actions, resources or referrals
  • Accept responsibility for your academic decisions, performance and accept the challenge that college coursework provides
  • Listen to and respect the advisor as a professional who has your best interest in mind
  • Come prepared to meetings with questions and some initial research done about your areas of inquiry

Advising & Career Center Staff

Photo of Elyssa Wassmann

Elyssa Wassmann

(406) 771-5124

Photo of Kristin Sowers

Kristin Sowers
Academic Advisor

(406) 771-4387

Photo of Daniel Flannery

Daniel Flannery

Academic Advisor

(406) 771-4368

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