Advising & Career Services
DegreeWorks is for educational and planning purposes only. It is the student’s responsibility to work with an academic advisor to review degree progress and verify the accuracy of this report. An official review of your degree will be completed by the Registrar’s Office after you have applied to graduate. This degree checklist is not your official transcript.
If using Internet Explorer 8 or higher, go to Tools and checkmark Compatibility View, this will enable menus.
DegreeWorks is a web-based degree audit and tracking system helping students and advisors monitor progress toward degree completion. DegreeWorks provides an accessible, convenient, and organized way for students to know where they are academically and how they can plan their college career.
DegreeWorks is accessible by logging into BannerWeb/MyInfo.
Worksheets: The worksheet displays a student’s degree progress based on their declared major/program. This worksheet displays all the degree, general studies/Core, major, second major (if applicable) requirements and the classes the student has taken to satisfy them. The worksheet also shows incomplete requirements, reminding students of what classes they need to take. It illustrates the classes that have not been attempted (in red) and the classes in progress (in blue). For the classes that have not yet been attempted, DegreeWorks offers suggestions as to which class to take, thereby eliminating the hassle of searching for classes to satisfy an unmet requirement.
What-If: The What-If allows an advisor or student to see a worksheet for a new or second major/program, whether they are thinking about changing their major or adding an additional major. The What-If allows students to view how their progress changes with a new major or additional major, which classes can be applied towards the new major, which classes will not count, and which new classes need to be taken.
GPA Calculator: The GPA Calculator tab is for students to calculate what their term GPA may be based on what grade they predict they will get in a course. The GPA Calculator can help students in realistic goal-setting at the beginning of the term, as well as help with accurate mapping of their paths for achieving honors, avoiding academic warning or suspension, or satisfying personal academic aspirations.
Help For Faculty
To search for a single student in Find, type their student ID number or first/last name. To look for a group of students, for example all students in a particular major, use the appropriate groups from the drop down boxes.
The “@” may be used as a wildcard.
After entering your search parameters, click the “Search” button, then OK.
Worksheet Help
The worksheet displays a student’s degree progress based on their declared major. This worksheet displays all the degree, General Studies/Core, major, second major (if applicable), requirements and the classes the student has taken to satisfy them. The worksheet also shows incomplete requirements, reminding students of what classes they need to take. It illustrates the classes that have not been attempted (in red) and the classes in progress (in blue). For the classes that have not yet been attempted, DegreeWorks offers suggestions as to which class to take, thereby eliminating the hassle of searching for classes to satisfy an unmet requirement.
To get back to the worksheet/audit from any other screen in DegreeWorks, click “Worksheet“.
What If Help
Use the What If function to see a worksheet/audit for a new or additional major. If the student’s default catalog year is not shown, a catalog year must be chosen. Where the current major is shown, pull down the menu and select a new major or program.
What If can be used whether a student is thinking about changing their major. The What If allows students to view how their progress changes with a new major, which classes can still be applied towards the new major or minor, which classes will not count, and which additional classes need to be taken
GPA Calculator Help
The GPA Calculator tab is for students to calculate what their term GPA may be based on what grade they predict they will get in a course. The GPA Calculator can help students in realistic goal-setting at the beginning of the term, as well as help with accurate mapping of their paths for achieving honors, avoiding academic warning or suspension, or satisfying personal
Help for Students
Worksheet Help
The worksheet displays a student’s degree progress based on their declared major. This worksheet displays all the degree, general studies/Core, major, second major (if applicable), requirements and the classes the student has taken to satisfy them. The worksheet also shows incomplete requirements, reminding students of what classes they need to take. It illustrates the classes that have not been attempted (in red) and the classes in progress (in blue). For the classes that have not yet been attempted, DegreeWorks offers suggestions as to which class to take, thereby eliminating the hassle of searching for classes to satisfy an unmet requirement.
To get back to the worksheet/audit from any other screen in DegreeWorks, click “Worksheet“.
What If Help
Use the What If function to see a worksheet/audit for a new or additional major. If the student’s default catalog year is not shown, a catalog year must be chosen. Where the current major is shown, pull down the menu and select a new major or program.
What If can be used whether a student is thinking about changing their major. The What If allows students to view how their progress changes with a new major, which classes can still be applied towards the new major or minor, which classes will not count, and which additional classes need to be taken
GPA Calculator Help
The GPA Calculator tab is for students to calculate what their term GPA may be based on what grade they predict they will get in a course. The GPA Calculator can help students in realistic goal-setting at the beginning of the term, as well as help with accurate mapping of their paths for achieving honors, avoiding academic warning or suspension, or satisfying personal academic aspirations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is DegreeWorks?
A: DegreeWorks is a web-based planning tool to help students and advisors monitor student’s progress toward degree completion. DegreeWorks provides an accessible, convenient, and organized way for students to know where they are academically and how they can plan the rest of their college careers. DegreeWorks is not a substitution for consultation with an academic advisor. Students will still need to see an academic advisor in order to receive access to register for classes.
Q: Who has the ability to access DegreeWorks?
A: Faculty advisors & students will have access to DegreeWorks.
Q: What is a worksheet?
A: DegreeWorks worksheet is a review of past, current and “planned” coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete their chosen major/program. The worksheet is located on the “Worksheet” tab in the DegreeWorks application.
Q: Where can I access DegreeWorks?
A: DegreeWorks is accessible by logging into Banner Web/My Info, Entering the secure area and clicking on the Student Services tab.
Q: Is DegreeWorks training available for faculty and staff?
A: Yes, we have training available for faculty and staff. Please contact the Registrar if you want info on using DegreeWorks.
Q: Is my information confidential?
A: Yes. Like other processes you use through Banner Web/My Info, DegreeWorks is accessed through your secure log in.
Q: How current will my information be in DegreeWorks?
A: The information in DegreeWorks is refreshed each night. Any changes made to an academic transcript today will be seen in DegreeWorks the next business day.
Q: Can I register for classes in DegreeWorks?
A: No. DegreeWorks is a snapshot of courses in-progress, planned, and in academic history. Registration will continue to be handled through the Student Services Tab of Banner Web/My Info.
Q: Can I see a list of all of the classes I’ve taken?
A: Yes. On the worksheet tab, click on the Class History link at the top for a printable list of courses taken as well as transfer courses. However, if you have already completed a degree this course information will not be available. Note: this list of courses is not an official transcript. Please reference your MyInfo unofficial transcript for further details.
Q: Can I see how many classes I have left to fulfill my requirements?
A: Yes. DegreeWorks is laid out in block format displaying major requirements information. Look for unchecked boxes to identify requirements that still need to be completed (in red). In-progress courses are shown (in blue). For the classes that have not yet been attempted, DegreeWorks offers suggestions as to which class to take, thereby eliminating the hassle of searching for classes to satisfy an unmet requirement.
Q: Are my grades visible in DegreeWorks?
A: Yes. Once grades have been processed at the end of the semester, they are viewable in DegreeWorks following the nightly refresh.
Q: Will I be able to view my entire course history?
A: DegreeWorks uses the information that is current for your transcript. You will be able to view any courses that have been completed/registered for/transferred by the date your worksheet was last refreshed. (Data is refreshed nightly.) Keep in mind that any transfer work or grade changes that have not been formally submitted and accepted will not appear on your worksheet.
Q: What do I do if I believe my academic information is incorrect?
A: You should consult your advisor for a review of your worksheet. Any exception to program/major requirements should be discussed with your advisor or the Registrar’s Office.
Q: Why isn’t my information up-to-date?
A: There could be several reasons. One is that DegreeWorks may not have refreshed since a change was made (the information is refreshed nightly). Second, there could be some paperwork that needs to be completed. For example, if you have completed transfer courses, it is possible that the College has not recieved an official transcript or the coursework is pending review. Check with the Registrar’s office if your transcript or worksheet does not reflect transfer work you have completed.
Q: Where can I see my second major?
A: If you have declared an additional major, they are broken out into individual requirement blocks within the Student View worksheet. If it is not showing on your worksheet, you will need to submit the proper paper work to declare the major.
Q: Where can I see my worksheet for my second degree?
A: If your second major is a different type than your first major (your first is a BS and your second is a BA), you can access your second degree worksheet by using the Degree drop down menu at the top of the screen for the Student View worksheet. If your second degree is that same type as your first degree, both degrees will be listed on the same worksheet.
Q: If I withdraw from a class, will that be reflected on my worksheet?
A: Courses from which you have withdrawn will appear in the “Not applicable to requirements” block on your Student View worksheet.
Q: My advisor told me that a course I took would be substituted for a requirement. Why doesn’t this information appear on my worksheet?
A: Contact your advisor to resolve any substitution issues and to make sure the correct paperwork has been completed.
Q: If all of the boxes are checked, does that mean I’m graduating?
A: DegreeWorks is for educational and planning purposes only. It is the student’s responsibility to work with an academic advisor to review degree progress and verify the accuracy of this report. An official review of your degree will be completed by the Registrar’s Office after you have applied to graduate. This degree checklist is not your official transcript. You must apply for graduation.
Q: What is the What-If feature?
A: What-If allows an advisor or student to see a worksheet for a new or second major or thinking about changing their major. The What-If allows students to view how their progress changes with a new major, which classes can still be applied towards the new major or minor, which classes will not count, and which new classes need to be taken.
Q: Can I see when courses are offered?
A: When a requirement is not yet complete and ‘Still Needed’ is listed on the right side of the worksheet, click on any course number that is listed. A pop-up window will appear that includes: the course title, number of credits, description along with any prerequisites, and when the course will be offered in upcoming semesters.
Q: If I have additional questions about DegreeWorks, who do I contact?
A: Please see your academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office.
Q: What do I do if my advisor is not showing/is incorrect?
A: Contact your academic advisor to make this correction.
Q: Where can I see my second major?
A: If you have declared an additional major, they are broken out into individual requirement blocks within the Student View worksheet. If it is not showing on your worksheet, you will need to submit the proper paper work to declare the major.
Q: Why is my second major not showing?
A: If you have not filled out the paper work to declare a second major it will not appear in DegreeWorks. Work with your advisor to complete the necessary paper work. If you have completed the appropriate paper work, contact the Registrar’s Office.
Q: My advisor told me that a course I took would be substituted for a requirement. Why doesn’t this information appear on my worksheet?
A: Contact your academic advisor to resolve any substitution issues.
Q: My record shows that my major is incorrect. How do I get this fixed?
A: Contact your advisor for additional assistance.
Q: Can I see how many classes I have left to fulfill my requirements?
A: Yes. DegreeWorks is laid out in block format displaying major requirements information. Look for unchecked boxes to identify requirements that still need to completed (in red). In-progress courses are shown (in blue). For the classes that have not yet been attempted, DegreeWorks offers suggestions as to which class to take, thereby eliminating the hassle of searching for classes to satisfy an unmet requirement.
Q: How do I know what classes I need to take?
A: Your worksheet will outline for you courses still needed to meet major requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.
Q: Why aren’t my transfer courses meeting a requirement?
A: Contact your academic advisor for additional assistance.
Q: Can my advisor see my What If scenario?
A: Since What If scenarios are not stored in DegreeWorks, your advisor can only see your results if the two of you work through a What If procedure together.
Q: Can I view multiple What If scenarios on the same screen?
A: Yes. The What If tab will allow you to select more than one major at a time.
Q: Can I save a What If scenario?
A: No. What If plans are not saved in DegreeWorks. You would need to run a new What If scenario next time you log in to see it again; or add/change the new major.
Q: Can I print a What If scenario?
A: Yes. If you want to share it with your advisor at a later date, you should print your What If scenario.
Q: If I use the What-If feature, does this mean that I have changed my major?
A: No. The What If function is for information purposes only. You will need to meet with your advisor and compile the appropriate paperwork to change your major.
Q: If I like what I see in a What If scenario, how do I initiate the changes?
A: Always speak with your academic advisor first.