Facilities Services
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Emergency Procedures
In the event of a campus emergency, information will first be communicated via GFC MSU Alert, the campus alert system, to all students, faculty, and staff and also made available on the home page of the Great Falls College website.
Emergency Preparedness ensures that Great Falls College is prepared for any emergency including earthquake, fire, infectious disease and other disasters. Please refer to the plans, policies and procedures on the left to make sure you are prepared in the event of an emergency.
Parent & Student Emergency Preparedness
What Happens When an Incident Occurs
Based on the seriousness of the situation, the Campus Leadership may choose to activate Great Falls College’s Emergency Operations Plan which prescribes a comprehensive set of emergency response procedures to deal with crisis situations.
Communication During an Emergency: Emergency messages will be distributed through the GFC MSU Alert System.
Personalized Family Communication Plan
Staying in contact with family and friends can be critically important during an emergency. Not all ways of communicating will work after a disaster or emergency, so it is imperative to have a plan of how you will communicate.
Staying in contact with family and friends is critical during an emergency.
- Designate a single family contact outside your area – be sure family, friends and/or roommates know who this contact is and how to reach them.
- Notify family or friends if you are affected by an emergency so they know where you are – if you can’t reach them, notify your family contact person.
- If your phone calls will not go through, consider sending text messages because they can sometimes be sent even when phone calls cannot go through.
- Social media can be a valuable tool for communication during an emergency.
- Do not call 911 or unless you need immediate assistance (Police, Fire, and Ambulance).
Remember to check in at home to let your family know you’re safe, regularly and especially in an emergency situation. They may have heard about it on the news and be worried about you.
In a very large disaster in the U.S.; if you cannot reach family members, consider using a system such as the American Red Cross Safe and Well List to search for missing family members/friends. For international disasters use this link.
Consider adding the entry ICE (“in case of emergency”) to your cell’s phonebook with the number of the person to be contacted in the event of an emergency.
Find out more about developing a Personalized Family Emergency Plan here.
Ready.gov – Family Communications
FEMA – Family Communications Plan Templates
Potential Hazards
Active Shooter
If you see a person acting suspiciously, someone violently threatening/injuring someone or a person with a weapon…
- Remain calm to avoid provoking disruptive individual(s).
- Do not physically confront the person and do not block the person’s access to an exit.
- Do not let anyone into a locked building/office.
- Keep away from the area and alert others to the danger.
- Call 911 or the Campus Crisis Response Team by dialing 9999 on any campus phone.
- Provide as much information as possible about the person and his or her direction of travel.
- Maintain a safe distance from the suspect until emergency personnel arrive. Do not attempt to subdue the individual; avoid direct eye contact
- Follow instructions of emergency personnel.
- If told to seek safe shelter, get inside immediately and lock doors.
Active Shooter – Run, Hide, Fight
An active shooter is a person actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. Although the likelihood of an active shooter event occurring at Great Falls College MSU is extremely low, it is important that members of the Great Falls College MSU community understand how to respond should they find themselves in such a situation. Below is guidance regarding what to do during an active shooter event as well as what to expect when law enforcement arrives on scene.
DISCLAIMER: An individual must use his/her own discretion during an active shooter event as to whether he/she chooses to run to safety or remain in place. However, best practices for surviving an active shooter event are listed below.
REMEMBER: Law Enforcement’s first priority is to confront and disable the threat.
Develop a Survival Mindset
- Awareness and Preparation: Take time to understand your surroundings and environment before an emergency occurs.
Ask yourself, “What if?” questions and develop a plan.
In an Active Shooter Emergency
Make a decision, trusting your instincts, to take action to protect yourself to survive the situation. You generally will have three options:
- Run: Can you safely escape?
- Hide: Is there a good place to hide?
- Fight: Will you defend yourself against the shooter?
(Immediate Vicinity) Be aware of your surroundings and immediately take action.
Three words to remember are RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.
If outside:
- RUN off campus in a zigzag pattern
- Seek cover
- Prevent others from entering the danger zone
If inside and cannot escape:
- Get inside a room and HIDE.
- Secure the door (lock, barricade, wedge, straps, etc.)
- Cover windows and turn off lights
- Stay on floor behind an interior barricade, offset from the door or HIDE the best that you can
- Silence cell phones and pagers and remain quiet
- Call 9-1-1 if you know the location, description or identity of the shooter(s). If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.
- Remain calm and prepare for an evacuation.
- As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by throwing objects and using improvised weapons and FIGHT.
When Law Enforcement Arrives
- When law enforcement reaches you, do not run at them or make sudden movements.
- Law enforcement’s primary objective is to stop the active shooter as soon as possible.
- Responding officers will not necessarily know the identity of the shooter and may treat everyone they encounter as a possible suspect.
- Do not scream, yell, point, or wave your arms.
- Do not hold anything in your hands that could be mistaken for a weapon (including cell phones).
- Show the officers your empty hands and follow their instructions.
- Remain calm and follow the instructions of the responding officers.
- The first officers to arrive at the scene will not stop to help injured persons.
- Their task is to proceed immediately to the shooter/threat.
- Once the threat has been neutralized, safety corridors will be established and the building will be evacuated.
Information to Provide to Law Enforcement or 911 Operators
- Building name and address
- Location of the active shooter(s)
- Number of shooters
- Physical description of shooter(s) (weight, height, race, gender, clothing color and style, etc.)
- Number and type of weapons held by the shooter(s) (handgun, rifle, shotgun, explosives)
- Number of potential victims at the location
For More Information on Violent Acts, Threats and Preparedness
Bomb Threat
Bomb Threat
If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone:
- Listen carefully to the details of the threat and try to keep the caller talking until you are able to get the answers to the following questions:
- What building?
- When will it go off?
- Where is the bomb?
- What floor?
- What part of the building (north, south, etc.)?
- What type of bomb? (chemical, mechanical, electrical, trip)
- What does it look like? (size, shape, color, etc.)
- Why was it placed there?
- Name of person calling? (if not given, note gender, age, etc.)
- Note whether the caller is male or female, any distinctive voice characteristics the caller may have (i.e., accent, slurring, key words used), and any background noise that you may hear.
- When the caller hangs up, call 911 and tell the dispatcher all of the information you learned from the caller concerning the bomb and location. Be sure to give the dispatcher your name, office location, and telephone extension. Do not hang up until the dispatcher releases you.
- After you have contacted the Police Dispatcher, remain quiet about the threat and stay where you are until you are contacted by Police. Police, in cooperation with Campus Officials and the Great Falls Fire Department, will give the order to evacuate the building if necessary.
Suspicious Package
Do not touch or disturb the object.
- Call 9999 from any campus phone. Provide as much information as possible about the threat or object.
- Do NOT touch, move or open a suspicious item.
- Do NOT alarm others or cause panic – do not discuss with others unless directed to do so.
- Do NOT initiate fire alarm unless authorized to do so (Some explosive devices are sound sensitive and can be detonated by loud noise).
- Notify your supervisor/resident staff.
- Be prepared to evacuate.
- If told to evacuate, as you leave, look around for anything suspicious and report to the authorities.
For More Information on Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages:
Chemical Spill
Chemical Spills, Accidents, Contamination
- Report immediately to appropriate agency with information about affected area
- Biological substance: County Health Department 454‐6950
- Chemical substance: Fire Department 911
- ASSIST CONTAMINATED VICTIMS to a safety shower/eyewash.
- Use personal protective equipment to avoid contact.
- Vacate area immediately and seal it off to prevent further contamination
- Anyone who may be contaminated is to avoid contact with others
- Remain in immediate vicinity, collect names of all exposed
- As necessary, notify others in the vicinity to evacuate.
- Pull Fire Alarm to evacuate the building or if a fire occurs.
Immediate Emergency Actions
If you see a chemical spill, detect a strange odor or witness people showing signs of chemical exposure:
- Move away from the hazard to a safe location.
- Proceed to emergency exits; DO NOT use elevators.
- Help those needing assistance.
- Stay up-wind and uphill from any hazardous vapor, gas or liquid.
- Report by calling 911 or the Crisis Response Team by dialing 9999 on any campus phone.
- Follow instructions of emergency personnel and be prepared to evacuate or shelter in place.
- Alert others to stay clear of the area.
- Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed to the hazard or have information about the release.
DO NOT go back into an area where a chemical spill has occurred.
If an explosion occurs somewhere in your building:
- Pull the nearest fire alarm to evacuate the building.
- Call 911 tell the Police dispatcher the location of the explosion and, if known, its seriousness and any possible injuries to personnel. Be sure to give the Dispatcher your name, room number and telephone extension. Do not hang up until the Dispatcher releases you.
- After you have completed the call, wait a safe distance outside the building until help arrives.
- Do not approach or come into contact with any downed utility lines or other damaged utilities.
- Direct responding emergency personnel to the explosion area and any personnel that might be injured.
- Assist in taking a head count of building occupants in order to help determine who may be trapped in the building. Communicate this information to the emergency response personnel.
A fire emergency may exist alone or in conjunction with another type of emergency (i.e. earthquake, chemical spill, explosion, criminal activity, etc.). Trained firefighters may not always be immediately available; however, even if they are not available, do not endanger yourself or others in an effort to put out a fire in your building unless you are confident that you can extinguish the fire safely, and have already reported the fire to 911.
Immediate Emergency Actions
- Pull the nearest fire alarm to evacuate the building.
- If there are no fire alarms, knock on doors and yell “fire” as you exit the building.
- Call 911or and tell the dispatcher the location of the fire. Be sure to give the dispatcher your name, room number, and telephone extension. Do not hang up until the dispatcher releases you.
- Spread the alarm. Know the exit routes and keep them open.
- Evacuate the building, closing doors and windows behind you to confine the fire and prevent drafts. Keep doors and windows free of obstructions. Do not use elevators.
- Feel closed doors with the back of your hand. DO NOT open if doors are hot.
- Assist the physically disabled or others requiring assistance to exit the building in an emergency.
- Disconnect electrical equipment on fire. Know the location of equipment switches and electrical panels. Keep area in front of all electrical panels open.
- If you should become trapped in the building, move to a room on an outside wall with a window. Place a towel or jacket, etc., at the bottom of the door to help prevent smoke from entering the room. Hang a towel, sheet, blanket or other large item from the window so it may be visible from the outside. If you have access to a phone that works, call 911 and give your location.
- Assemble a safe distance away from the building, utilizing your building pre-designated evacuation assembly point. Do not block driveways or areas to be used by fire or other emergency response units.
- Do not approach or come into contact with any downed utility lines or other damaged utilities.
- If you know the location of the fire, material involved, or other pertinent information, meet Fire Department personnel and provide them with all the information you have regarding the fire.
- Do not attempt to reenter the building until the Fire Department and a University official declares the building safe.
- Assist in taking a head count of building occupants in order to help determine who may be trapped in the building. Communicate this information to emergency response personnel.
- Know the location(s) where those not able to evacuate will likely take refuge – e.g., physically disabled persons may not be able to evacuate high-rise buildings.
Medical Emergencies
Medical Emergency
- Call 911 for serious injury.
- Campus Crisis Team will respond during normal business hours (M-F) for assistance and first aid.
- Provide first aid as training permits.
- Whenever possible, notify a campus employee.
Dial 911 and give:
- Your name and phone number.
- Building/campus location and room number.
- Provide complete information concerning the nature of the accident or illness and the condition of the victim(s)
- DO NOT move any injured or ill person unless life-threatening circumstances dictate. Make the injured or ill person comfortable until emergency personnel arrive.
- DO NOT give the injured or ill person any medications other than their own. The person must provide at least verbal authorization.
Call the Crisis Response Team (9999 on any campus phone) to also respond and assist.
NOTE: Some behaviors may appear to be drug or alcohol related, but may be due to medical conditions.
Severe Weather
Immediate Emergency Actions
If you see or hear threatening weather (i.e., tornado, high winds, lightning, thunder, etc.) or hear that a Warning has been issued for your area.
- Seek shelter and get inside immediately to an interior room or hallway.
- Shut all doors and windows.
- Stay away from exterior windows and doors.
- DO NOT go outside until the storm has passed.
- After the storm has ended be aware of downed wires and falling objects.
Lightning causes more deaths than any other weather hazard, so keep the following safety rules in mind.
If lightning threatens when you are inside:
- Stay inside and stay away from open doors or windows, radiators, metal pipes, sinks, and plug-in electrical objects such as radios, electric typewriters, lamps, etc.
- Do not use plug-in electrical equipment or the telephone.
If lightning strikes when you are outside:
- Seek shelter in a building, if possible. If no buildings are available seek shelter in a ditch or ravine.
- When there is no shelter, avoid the highest object in the area and avoid being the highest object yourself. If only isolated trees are nearby, the best protection is to crouch or lie in the open, keeping at least as far away from the isolated trees as they are high.
- If you are wearing or carrying anything metal, get rid of it.
If you feel an electrical charge (hair stands on end, skin tingles), lightning might be about to strike you. Drop to your knees and bend forward, putting your hands on your knees.
Note: Persons struck by lightning receive a severe electrical shock and may be burned, but they retain no electrical charge and can be handled safely. A person struck by lightning can often be revived by prompt application of CPR.
Winter Weather Preparedness
Before a Winter Storm Threatens Know the terms used by weather forecasters:
- Winter Storm Watch– Be alert, a winter storm is likely in your area. Tune to radio or television for more information.
- Winter Storm Warning– Take action, the storm is in or entering the area.
- Blizzard Warning– Snow and strong winds combined will produce blinding snow, near zero visibility, deep drifts, and life-threatening wind chill. Seek refuge immediately.
- Winter Weather Advisory – Winter weather conditions are expected to cause significant inconveniences and may be hazardous, especially to motorists.
- Freezing Rain– Rain that freezes when it hits the ground, creating a coating of ice on road, walkways, trees and power lines. If a ½ inch or more of freezing rain is forecast an Ice Storm Warning will be issued.
- Wind Chill Advisory / Warning– Combination of wind and cold resulting in temperatures that feel -15F to – 24F (Advisory) or -25F or colder (Warning) for more than 3 hours. Can be life threatening conditions.
Auto Safety Tips
- About 70% of winter deaths related to snow and ice occur in automobiles.
- Assemble an Emergency Car Kit containing: Flashlight with extra batteries, First aid kit, medications, pocket knife or multi-tool, jumper cables, blanket and/or sleeping bag, extra clothes, sand for generating vehicle traction, tire chains, basic tool kit, tow rope, water, and signal flares or bright cloth to be used as a signal flag.
- Keep your gas tank full and check your windshield wiper fluid.
- Install good winter tires with adequate tread.
- Ensure your vehicle is maintained and in good working order.
- Keep a windshield scraper, small broom and shovel for ice and snow removal.
- Plan long trips carefully, listening to the radio or television for the latest weather forecasts and road conditions. If bad weather is forecast, drive only if absolutely necessary.
- Travel during daylight hours, keep others informed of your schedule, route and if possible, take another person with you. Stay on main roads; avoid back road shortcuts.
- If a blizzard traps you in your car, pull off the highway. Turn on hazard lights and hang a distress flag from your radio antenna or window.
- Remain in your vehicle where rescuers are more likely to find you. Do not set out on foot, unless you can see a building close by where you know you can take shelter.
- Run the engine and heater about 10 minutes each hour to keep warm. When the engine is running, open the window slightly for ventilation. Periodically clear snow from the exhaust pipe.
- Exercise to maintain body heat, but avoid overexertion. In extreme cold, use road maps, seat covers and floor mats for insulation. Huddle with passengers.
- Take turns sleeping. One person should be awake at all times to look for rescue crews.
- Drink fluids to avoid dehydration.
- Be careful not to waste battery power. Balance electricity energy needs: the use of lights, heat and radio.
- At night, turn on the inside light so work crews and rescuers can see you.
During a Winter Storm
- Stay indoors and limit travel to only absolutely necessary trips.
- Check on elderly or disabled relatives and/or neighbors. Also, consider your pets.
- If you need to go outdoors, dress for the season, wearing several layers of loose fitting, lightweight, warm clothing, rather than one layer of heavy clothing. The outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent.
- Mittens are better than gloves.
- Wear a hat; most body heat is lost through the top of the head.
- Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.
- Be careful when shoveling snow. Over-exertion can bring on a heart attack – a major cause of death in the winter.
- Watch for signs of frostbite: loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in the extremities such as fingers, toes, ear lobes or the tip of the nose. If symptoms are detected, seek medical help immediately.
- Watch for signs of hypothermia: uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. If symptoms are detected, get the victim to a warm location, remove any wet clothing, warm the center of the body first and give warm, non-alcoholic beverages, if the victim is conscious. Get medical help, as soon as possible.
After the Winter Storm
- Stay off roads to allow plowing operations to proceed smoothly.
- Help dig out fire hydrants and storm drains in your neighborhood.
- Avoid parking too close to corners, allowing Public Safety vehicles and plows to maneuver safely.
- Be aware of children playing in the streets, particularly climbing on or running out from behind large snowdrifts. Parents should remind their children to be aware of plowing operations and traffic.
- Clear exhaust vents from Direct Vent Gas Furnace Systems to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Never run automobile until exhaust pipe has been cleared of snow.
- Make sure backup generators and alternative heating sources are well ventilated.
- Take your time shoveling. Avoid overexertion.
- Use care around downed power lines. Assume a down wire is a live wire. Report it to authorities.
- Watch out for overhead hazards such as broken tree limbs and ice on roofs and wires.
- Remove heavy snow from roofs; if safe to do so. Make sure gutters and drains are clear.
- Be careful walking on snowy, icy sidewalks.
Before Spring and Summer Severe Weather Threatens:
Know the terms used by weather forecasters:
- Severe Thunderstorm – A thunderstorm that produces a tornado, winds of at least 58 mph (50 knots), and/or hail at least ¾” in diameter. Structural wind damage may imply the occurrence of a severe thunderstorm. A thunderstorm wind equal to or greater than 40 mph (35 knots) and/or hail of at least ½” is defined as approaching severe.
- Flash Flood – A flood which is caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time, generally less than 6 hours. Also, at times a dam failure can cause a flash flood, depending on the type of dam and time period during which the break occurs.
- Tornado Watch – Tornadoes are possible in your area. Remain alert for approaching storms. Listen to the media for updates.
- Severe Thunderstorm Watch – Tells you there is a possibility of severe thunderstorms in your area likely to occur. Watch the sky and stay tuned to know when warnings are issued.
- Flash Flood Watch – Flash flooding is possible in and close to the watch area, but the occurrence is neither certain or imminent. Listen to the National Weather Service, radio or television for information.
- Tornado Warning – A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Take shelter immediately.
- Severe Thunderstorm Warning – A severe thunderstorm is occurring or will likely occur soon in your area. Warnings are for imminent danger to life and property to those in the path of the storm. Seek shelter immediately.
- Flash Flood Warning – Flash flooding is in progress, imminent, or highly likely. Seek higher ground immediately or evacuate if directed to do so.
- Continually monitor the media – Be aware of storm’s which could impact your area.
- Know how you will be warned in an emergency (NOAA Weather radios with a tone alert are a good option).
- Know if you live or work in a flood prone area. Check with your local emergency management for details.
- Know where to shelter (i.e., basement, interior room/hall, bathroom, closet, etc.) if conditions warrant and where shelters in your area are located.
- Ensure your home is ready – Elevate items in the basement which could be flooded. Bring in outdoors items such as children’s toys, patio furniture, garbage cans, etc. which could be blown around and damaged. Remove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall and cause injury or damage.
- Know how to shut off power, water and gas to your home. Have proper tools (i.e. wrench) ready and nearby.
- Develop a Personal Family Communication Plan in case family members are separated from one another during severe weather (a real possibility during the day when adults are at class and children are at school), and have a plan for getting back together. Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the ‘family contact’. After a disaster, it is often easier to call out long distance. Make sure everyone knows the name, address and telephone number of the contact person.
- Plan a place where your family will meet, both within and outside of your immediate neighborhood.
- Notify caregivers and babysitters about your emergency plans and shelter locations.
- Find out what types of events and kinds of damages are covered by your insurance policy. Keep insurance policies, important documents and other valuables in a safe and secure location.
- Everyone should have an Emergency Supply Kit which would prepare them to survive on their own for at least three days. There should be: non-perishable food, bottled water, flashlights and extra batteries, a portable radio in case of power outages or other emergencies caused by severe weather. Additional items that should be included are a freshly-stocked first-aid kit, essential prescription medicines, a non-electric can opener, baby-care items, extra blankets, sleeping bags and a fire extinguisher.
- Keep fire extinguishers on hand and make sure everyone knows how to use them.
During Severe Weather:
- Keep an eye on the sky. Look for darkening skies, flashes of light or increasing wind. Listen for the sound of thunder. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning.
- Blowing debris or the sound of an approaching tornado may alert you. Tornado danger signs included dark, almost greenish sky; large hail; a large, dark, low-lying cloud or a load roar, similar to a freight train.
- Heed shelter or evacuation requests made by officials or announcements on radio/television.
- Gather family members, bring pets indoors and have your emergency supply kit ready.
- During a tornado warning, if outside head indoors to a safe location. Basements, lower floors or interior hallways, bathrooms, closets, rooms are best for shelter.
- If outdoors with nowhere to go, lay flat in a ditch or low lying area. Cover your head with your hands. Be aware of the potential of flooding. Watch out for flying debris. Never try to outrun a tornado.
- Close outside doors and window blinds, shades or curtains. Stay away from doors, windows and exterior walls. Stay in the shelter location until the danger has passed.
- During lightning, do not use wired telephones, touch electrical appliances or use running water. Cordless or cellular telephones are safe to use.
- If outdoors, head for shelter indoors or inside a vehicle. If boating or swimming, get out of the water immediately and get indoors. Go to a low lying place away from trees, poles or metal objects. Squat low to the ground. Make sure the place you pick does not flood.
- Remember the 30/30 Lightning Safety Rule: Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors for 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.
- If it has been raining hard for several hours, or steadily raining for several days, be alert to the possibility of a flood.
- Do not walk through flowing water. Drowning is the number one cause of flood deaths. Six inches of swiftly moving water can knock you off your feet.
- Stay indoors and limit travel to only absolutely necessary trips. Listen to radio/television for updates.
Auto Safety Tips:
- Plan long trips carefully, listening to the radio or television for the latest weather forecasts and road conditions. If bad weather is forecast, drive only if absolutely necessary.
- Keep your gas tank full in case evacuation is needed. Keep your vehicle maintained and in good working order.
- Assemble an Emergency Car Kit
- If in a car during a tornado, get out immediately and lay flat in a ditch or low lying area. Do not get under an overpass or bridge. Never try to outrun a tornado.
- Do not drive through a flooded area. Six inches of water can cause a vehicle to lose control and possibly stall. A foot of water will float many vehicles. Cars, SUVs and pickup trucks can be swept away in just 2 feet of moving water. Do not drive around road barriers – they are there for a reason.
- Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car.
After Severe Weather:
- Stay off roads to allow emergency crews to clear roads and provide emergency assistance.
- Help injured or trapped persons. Do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of death or further injury.
- Use the telephone only for emergencies.
- Use care around downed power lines. Assume a downed wire is a live wire. Report to emergency authorities.
- Watch out for overhead hazards such as broken tree limbs, wires and other debris. Be cautious walking around.
- Be aware of children playing outdoors and in the streets, particularly climbing on or running around downed trees and wires. Parents should remind their children to stay away from these hazards.
- Avoid walking into flood waters. The water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline or raw sewerage, contain downed power lines or animals.
- Look for hazards such as broken/leaking gas lines, damaged sewage systems, flooded electrical circuits, submerged appliances and structural damage. Leave the area if you smell gas or chemical fumes.
- Clean everything that gets wet. For food, medicines and cosmetics; when in doubt, through it out.
- Make sure backup generators are well ventilated. Never use grills, generators or camping stoves indoors.
- Listen to media reports and/or local authorities about whether your community water supply is safe to drink and other instructions.
- Make sure gutters and drains are clear for future rain/flood events.
- Check on neighbors, particularly elderly or those who may require special assistance.
- Take photographs/videos of damage as soon as possible. Contact your insurance company to file a claim.
Additional Weather Preparedness Information:
Utility Failure
Immediate Emergency Actions
If the power suddenly goes off in the building you are in…
- Remain calm and let your eyes adjust to the darkened condition
- Unplug or turn off electrical equipment that was in use when the power went off in your immediate area. This includes computers, desk lights, etc. and any other equipment that can adequately be shut down.
- Leave at least one light switch “on” so you will know when the power is restored.
- Move cautiously to a lighted area. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
If you are advised to leave the area, follow your evacuation route and wait at the assembly area for further instructions.
For More Information on Power Outages and Preparedness
Evacuation Procedures
Evacuation Procedures
- All employees and students will evacuate the building immediately ‐ no exceptions.
- Emergency services personnel (fire and police) will search the building.
- Executive Team will pick up their 2‐way radio, fluorescent vest, and badge and go to Assembly Point.
- Zone Stewards will pick up 2‐way radio, vest and badge and evacuate their areas.
Assembly Points
- Missouri River Labs/Library/SIM Hospital/Atrium and Student Central: North Lot – West
- Sun River classrooms and offices/Enrichment Centers/Heritage Hall: North Lot – East
- Sun River (Dental): East Lot – North
- Roe and Teton River: East Lot – South
- Marias River classrooms/Offices: South Lot
- Trades Building: Grass area south of building
All evacuees should gather in the appropriate parking lots, well clear of the main driveways. This will mitigate the possibility of interference with emergency responders and place the gatherers well outside of building collapse zones.
Emergency Notifications
Federal law requires colleges and universities to “immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or staff occurring on the campus, unless issuing a notification will compromise efforts to contain the emergency.” The CEO/Dean or designee will, without delay, decide whether to issue a timely campus safety/crime warning or emergency notification on a case‐by‐case basis considering the facts surrounding a crime, including factors such as the nature of the crime, the continuing danger to the campus community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts. Information for timely campus safety/crime warnings and emergency notifications may also come from other law enforcement agencies. The CEO/Dean or designee will also determine the appropriate segment or segments of the campus community which will receive the notice, and whether to disseminate the emergency information to the larger community based on the above‐described analysis. The Communications & Marketing Department is responsible for issuing timely warnings and emergency notification.
Timely Warning
Crimes for which a timely warning may be appropriate include, but are not limited to: murder, manslaughter, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, arson, motor vehicle theft, and hate crimes. Timely warnings will typically include the following information, if known:
- A succinct statement of the incident, including the nature and severity of the threat and locations or persons who might be affected;
- Any connection to previous incidents;
- Physical description and/or composite drawing of the suspect;
- Date and time the warning was released;
- Other relevant and important information, such as any bias motive, the gender of the victim, and/or student/non‐student status; and
- Appropriate safety tips.
Notification Types
Depending on the particular circumstances of the incident, timely campus safety/crime warnings and emergency notifications may be distributed by any one or more of the following means:
- The GFC MSU Alert System text messaging system or recorded messages to other phones or devices;
- E‐mail;
- Posting an alert on GFC MSU home page and/or other sites where information will be likely to reach the
campus community such as digital signs and phone broadcast; - Posting on the outside entry doors of the College.
Anyone with information warranting a timely campus safety/crime warning or emergency notification should report the circumstances to the Office of the CFO or designee, by calling 406‐771‐2271, or in person at the Great Falls College Campus, Administrative Suite, 2100 16th Ave S, Great Falls, MT 59405.
Great Falls College also has a text message and email‐based alert system to transmit brief, urgent messages to a large segment of the Great Falls College population as quickly as possible. The system is voluntary for campus community members who enroll. Enrollment is strongly recommended. For more information, visit the GFC MSU Alert web site.
Students, faculty, and staff may subscribe free of charge. Students and employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this information.