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Personnel Office

Welcome to Great Falls College!

Whether you are an instructor looking for an environment that values quality teaching and student success, an applicant seeking a meaningful career in higher education, a long-term staff member seeking resources or an employee at the end of your career, the Great Falls College personnel office is committed to supporting you in every phase of your employment with the college.

Benefits Available to Great Falls College Employees

In addition to rewarding and energizing career opportunities, Great Falls College offers a comprehensive benefits package to all full-time faculty and staff, as well as their eligible dependents. Great Falls College contributes $1,054 per month toward employee Medical/Dental/Vision/Basic Life and AD&D/Long Term Disability premiums.

Core Benefits

  • Complete health insurance package including medical, dental & vision plans
  • Basic Life/AD&D/Long Term Disability Insurance
  • Employee Wellness Program
  • Robust Employee Assistance Program offered through Deer Oaks EAP Services
  • Flexible spending account options
  • Supplemental Life and AD&D insurance


For specific information on any of these benefits, please visit the MUS Benefits page, Choices.

Retirement Benefits

Depending on job classification, qualifying employees will receive generous contributions to one of the following retirement systems:

Additional Benefits

  • Tuition waiver for employees and their qualifying dependents
  • On-campus health checks twice per year
  • Generous leave policies

Compensation is an important part of your total rewards package, and we are committed to offering fair and competitive pay that reflects the value of your work and supports your career growth. For specific information about the rules that govern compensation, please review the below:

Great Falls College has some Awesome Otters!

Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty? Helped out in a pinch? Is an overall pleasure to work with day after day? Awesome Otters is our on-campus Employee Recognition Program designed to recognize random acts of exceptional service.  These certificates invite a personalized description of the act being commended and serve as a reminder of the thoughtful and creative ways we work together to accomplish our shared goals.

Click HERE for the Awesome Otters Nomination Form.

MSU Pure Gold

The Pure Gold program provides an opportunity to recognize Montana State University faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends for their contributions across all MSU campuses. Whether it’s an individual act, or a sustained effort of exemplary service, nominate outstanding MSU faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends using the form below. Acknowledge their commitment to our university system; they are Pure Gold!

To read more about the Pure Gold award and nominate someone from our campus, click below!


CEO/Dean’s Awards

Each year, the campus is asked to nominate people for the CEO/Dean’s Awards.  Our very own Dr. Erdmann reviews each nomination carefully and chooses the recipients.

The Dean’s Awards for Teaching Excellence, Staff Excellence and Outstanding Adjunct Faculty are awarded annually to one teaching faculty member, one staff member and one adjunct instructor at the college for distinctly representing the teaching and/or overall excellence epitomized by community colleges and at Great Falls College.

To read more and nominate, please visit the link below:


Great Falls College employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Pay periods end every other Friday, with pay day following 12 days later.

After the pay period ends on Friday, employees have until 5 p.m. on the following Monday to submit their time to their supervisor for approval. If an employee is unable to submit an electronic timesheet, they may fill out a paper timesheet, have their supervisor approve it and then turn it into the payroll office (G18).


If you need to change your direct deposit, log into MyInfo, Employee Services>Pay Information>Update Direct Deposit. Important to remember: When entering new direct deposit information, the first payroll will be “testing” your new bank info and therefore you will receive a paper check. It’s always a good idea to check in with payroll so we’re aware and can watch the processing for your new account info. Please click here for direct deposit FAQ.

Click here if you need to change your W4, then submit form to Payroll (G18).

Click here if you need to change your MW4, then submit to form Payroll (G18).

Click here if you need to change your address, print/email and submit to HR (G20) or Payroll (G18).


Professional and classified employees accrue annual and sick leave beginning the first day of employment which is banked until it becomes available for use.

*Sick leave is banked for 90 days. It accrues at a rate of .0462 per hour worked.

*Annual leave is banked for 180 days. It accrues at the following rate depending on length of service:

Vacation Leave Accrual Rates
Years of ServiceDaysBi-weeklyPer Hr Work
1-10 Years 154.620.0578
11-15 Years185.540.0693
16-20 Years216.450.0808
Over 20 Years247.380.0923


Classified employees are eligible for longevity pay. Employees who have completed 5 years of uninterrupted service receive 1.5% of their base salary, multiplied by the number of completed, contiguous 5 year periods of uninterrupted service. In addition, employees who reach 10, 15, 20, or 25 years of uninterrupted service, an additional .5% of the employees’ base salary is added.

Longevity Rate of Base Pay01.50%3.50%5.50%7.50%9.50%11%12.50%14%15.50%

Great Falls College encourages regular feedback and evaluation of employee performance throughout the year. An evaluation of performance is required for classified employees and contract professional employees each year. The formal annual evaluation will identify job responsibilities and performance objectives and measure actual performance against identified job duties and expectations.

Performance Evaluation Cycle:

Classified Staff
Evaluation period:  May 1 – April 30
Annual Evaluations due:  May 31

Performance Evaluation Form

Professional Staff
Evaluation period:  June 1 – May 31
Annual Evaluations due:  June 30

Performance Evaluation Form

Evaluation period: Academic School Year
Evaluations due: Friday before end of contract 

A complete faculty evaluation is conducted annually for tenure-track non-tenured faculty and once every three years for tenured faculty. Non-tenure track faculty and those at less than 1.0 FTE receive a complete evaluation every three years and an abbreviated evaluation in the years between full evaluations. 

Evaluation period: Initial evaluation will occur first semester of teaching at Great Falls College, then once every three years.  

Evaluation due: Initial evaluation After final evaluation meeting which cannot occur until student feedback is available for course.  

Montana University System Compliance Hotline

If you see or suspect wrongdoing, we want to know.

Why Work for Great Falls College?

Tuition Waiver

Use our tuition fee waiver at any of the schools in the Montana University System to attain your educational dreams.

Paid Time Off

Our paid time off policy provides you with the flexibility to take time for vacations, personal matters, or simply to recharge.

Insurance Benefits

Choose a subsidized plan that meets your family's needs and elect additional, affordable healthcare insurance coverages, if desired.

Retirement Plans

Build a secure future with competitive savings and employer-matching contributions.

Personnel Staff

Rachell Rivers
Personnel Manager

(406) 268-3701

Photo of April Langteau

April Langteau
Payroll & Benefits Manager

(406) 771-4308

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