Teaching & Learning Center
Contact Information

Paul Lynch
Teaching & Learning Center
Coordinator, Instructional Designer
Ph: (406) 771-4321
Location: R220
Welcome to the Teaching & Learning Center
The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) offers various services, including faculty training and professional development, faculty coaching and mentoring, course design reviews, digital accessibility guidance and curated resources.
Faculty Training and Professional Development
TLC offers live workshops each semester. We facilitate professional learning communities centered around specific topics or themes based on demand and interest. All workshops are eligible for Office of Public Instruction renewal units and count toward faculty promotion. We are continually adding to our catalog of offerings.
Faculty Coaching and Mentoring
The TLC staff enjoys supporting faculty members interested in expanding and improving teaching, learning and assessment practices. Our Instructional Design Cafe is our version of open office hours where faculty can drop in (virtually) to discuss anything related to teaching and learning. On-demand coaching sessions on a walk-in and appointment basis are always available. We can schedule ongoing appointments to address specific issues, such as aligning course outcomes to assessments. Faculty can invite Dr. Paul Lynch to observe their face-to-face or online class and work in a partnership to improve their teaching craft. Let us know how we can help!
Course Design Reviews
Our instructional designer performs a course design review the first time a class is taught in a distance modality using a course design review rubric. Once established, we will review course shells every three years. The course reviews are separate from the faculty evaluation process and serve as a collaborative review of the course design, not an evaluation of the course’s content. Faculty also may request informal, collaborative course reviews from the instructional designer at any time.
Digital Accessibility Guidance
Our instructional designer assists faculty with correcting any digital accessibility issues and proactively verifies accessibility compliance upon request by the faculty member.
Curated Resources and Collaboration
In addition to the TLC Resource Center (the home for workshops and training), we maintain the Faculty Tools Training course shell to provide resources for using D2L Brightspace and other instructional technology. Faculty can access the TLC Team for live chat, collaboration with other instructors, access to live training, and links to curated Wakelet collections that offer links to helpful articles, websites and media on all things teaching, learning and assessment.
OPI Renewal Units Request Form
Instructors can receive OPI Renewal Units for external conferences and training that are attended. Please complete the OPI Renewal Unit Request Form and send it to the TLC with the appropriate documentation: some proof of attendance, the name of the training/conference, the location of the training/conference, and the agenda or some of the objectives of the training/conference. Feel free to complete the form prior to participating in the training if you want pre-approval; we are happy to take a look for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I teach a professional development workshop for other instructors?
Definitely! Please email the TLC to share your ideas. We are happy to partner with you, advertise your session and help in any way.
Why do I have to complete a survey after participating in a workshop or training?
Will you be offering your workshops and classes for people that are not employed by Great Falls College?
Can I use tuition waivers for the graduate-level courses you offer?
No. Tuition waivers are only available for courses that are a part of a “program”, not for one-off courses. However, your course still counts for Tenure and Promotion purposes as a graduate-level course.