Teaching & Learning Center
Contact Information

Paul Lynch
Teaching & Learning Center
Coordinator, Instructional Designer
Ph: (406) 771-4321
Location: R220
Professional Development
Faculty can access the D2L Brightspace course shell to find support and resources to facilitate a virtual classroom experience. These resources can be found on the Course Homepage in a home screen widget called “Course Setup Checklist.” For additional assistance with D2L, please refer to Faculty – How2 Tutorials and Troubleshooting.
We use Wakelet to curate tools, resources and content related to teaching and learning. Take a look at our collections and let us know if you have something you’d like us to include!
Two-Year Teaching & Tech Podcast
The TLC provides instructors the chance to listen to Two-Year Teaching and Tech Podcast, a podcast produced and recorded by Mandy Wright.
Workshop Wednesdays Webinar Program
When the COVID 19 pandemic forced our campus to close, the Teaching and Learning Center created the Workshop Wednesdays program to provide training on various teaching and instructional technology topics. Sessions included informative content at the beginning, followed by Q&A time. Workshop Wednesday sessions were regularly scheduled during the summer 2020, fall 2020, and spring 2021 semesters. Although the regularly scheduled Workshop Wednesday sessions have been discontinued, the Teaching and Learning Center will continue to offer workshops and professional development. Recordings will be available in the list below.
Click on the title of the workshop to open the video.
Assessment Process, Tools, and Practices
Classroom Assessment Strategies with Mandy Wright
How well are the assessment tools in your course helping students demonstrate learning? Are there other assessment tools or strategies that would be a better fit? Explore formative and summative assessment strategies. Presented 9/30/20.
Contract Grading with Mandy Wright
Contract grading can be a useful method of assessing student learning when faculty want to emphasize learning over letter grades or points. Presented 4/28/21.
Designing and Using Rubrics with Mandy Wright and Becky Sullivan
Presented 12/8/21.
Incorporating and Assessing Professionalism in Courses with Becky Sullivan and Mandy Wright
Professionalism is one of our College Learning Outcomes but may seem difficult to assess in certain courses, especially Gen Ed. Explore ways to identify and assess professionalism easily. Presented 3/17/21.
The Great Falls College Assessment Process with Mandy Wright
Originally presented 9/2/20. Updated video coming soon.
D2L Brightspace Tools
During this session, we highlighted using groups, creating release conditions, and using the new ReadSpeaker feature in quizzes. Presented 3/3/21.
Groups Handout Release Conditions Handout
Panopto with Wayne Breau and Becky Sullivan
Curious about creating instructional video content? Looking for a tool that integrates easily with D2L and captions videos? Panopto is the solution you’re looking for! Presented on 6/17/20.
Point-based vs. Weighted Grading with Becky Sullivan
When should we use points-based grading? When is weighted grading appropriate? Join Becky as she compares and contrasts these two common grading systems and shares how to set up the D2L Brightspace grade book using both methods. Presented 10/14/20.
WebEx Education Connector with Wayne Breau
WebEx Education Connector is a helpful tool integrated with D2L Brightspace. Learn how to set up and use WebEx Education Connector to improve communication with students. Presented on 6/10/20.
High Impact Practices
Integrating High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Courses with Mandy Wright
High Impact Practices have been shown to increase student engagement and success. What is the difference between a HIP and good teaching practice? Join Mandy to explore High Impact Practices and how they might be used and assessed in courses. Presented 2/17/21.
Instructional Design and Best Practices
Accessibility with Becky Sullivan
Accessibility is critical to ensuring equitable learning experiences for students. Join Becky to explore methods to improve accessibility, particularly in online courses. Presented 12/9/20.
Participation, Interaction, and Critical Thinking with Discussion Questions with Becky Sullivan
Discussion questions can be an effective way to encourage participation and critical thinking in online classes. Join Becky to learn more about this important tool. Presented 1/20/21.
TILT (Transparency in Learning and Teaching) with Mandy Wright
How can I help students understand how and why they are learning course content? What can I do to help students understand how assignments fit into the overall design of the course? Join Mandy to discuss the TILT project and how transparent instruction and assignment design can transform your students’ learning experiences. Presented 10/28/20.
Remote Instruction
Join Robin Williams and Lauren Swant to learn more about how they and their colleagues teach blended courses, including students in person and synchronously online. Presented 3/31/21.
Creativity in Online Courses with Susan Gassaway
Learn some creative ways to spark students’ enthusiasm in online learning. Presented on 5/27/20.
Flipped Learning and the HyFlex Model with Becky Sullivan and Mandy Wright
We‘ve all heard the term “flipped instruction,” but do you know how to incorporate it into your courses? Learn more about this teaching model and find out how to align it with your own instructional practices. We will also discuss an alternative instructional model called the HyFlex model as a way to add even more flexibility to your course. Presented on 6/24/20.
HyFlex Pilot Update with Steve Robinett
After participating in HyFlex workshops this summer, Steve went all-in using the HyFlex model this fall. Join Steve as he shares an update of his experience and lessons learned from teaching with the HyFlex model. Presented 11/4/20.
Steve’s orientation video for his students: https://youtu.be/QgDhRlybeHw
Steve’s orientation slide deck for his students.
Online Instruction Best Practices with Becky Sullivan
Learn more about strategies and best practices for effective online instruction. Please note that there are few visuals in this recording due to technical difficulties. Presented on 6/3/20.
Click on this link for the best practices handout with choice board examples and rubrics.
Online Student Engagement with Becky Sullivan
Join Becky to learn strategies to engage students in online classes. Supporting introverted and anxious students will also be addressed. Presented 2/3/21.
Orienting Learners to Your Course with Becky Sullivan
Learn more about orienting your learners to your online course. We discuss why you should create an orientation for learners, what the orientation should include, and how you can create a simple and quick orientation. Presented on 7/22/20.
Technology Tools
Join Dan to learn how he has integrated Camtasia, the video recording and editing software, into his courses. Dan will share tips, tricks, and ideas for using this powerful teaching and learning tool. Presented 9/16/20.
Integrating Collaborative Tools with Steve Robinett
The workshop will explore the use of Microsoft Teams as a collaborative tool in both face-to-face and online modalities. Other sharing services such as whiteboards and shared docs will be covered. Hands-on experience with all tools will be offered. Presented on 7/1/20.
Collaborative tools slide deck
Whiteboard Fox–interactive virtual whiteboard
Respondus is more than just the Lockdown Browser. Learn about the other tools Respondus offers, including collaborative study tools for students. Presented on 7/8/20.
What are smartpens, and how can they be used for teaching and learning? Join Dan as he shares his experiences with this interactive tech tool. Presented 12/2/20.
Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources (OER) with Christina Trunnell
Open educational resources (OER) can save students money and offer faculty more flexibility in course materials. Learn more about what open educational resources are, how to find and use them in your course, and other resources available. Presented 4/14/21.