
We are migrating to Canvas during the 2024-2025 academic year.
Time is running out
Do you need student data, submissions, or grades from this year or the past? Unfortunately, student data, submissions, or grades in D2L Brightspace will not migrate to Canvas.
If you want to retain this information, download it from D2L Brightspace before it goes offline on June 1, 2025.
latest updates
make it accessible
Use Yuja Panorama to make your course content accessible.
migrate independently
Want to migrate your courses yourself? You’ll need a course shell.

you cannot teach using canvas until Summer 2025
You cannot teach using Canvas for your Great Falls College courses until Summer 2025. Students will not have access to academic courses in Canvas until then.
Migration: How We're Handling Course Migration
There are some things that are in process to migrate course content from Brightspace to Canvas and other things you can do to help ensure we don’t miss anything.
- We are working with K16, a Canvas partner, to migrate all course shells that contain content (we aren’t migrating courses that are entirely empty or only contain a syllabus) from the Spring of 2021 through the Spring of 2025.
- As a precautionary measure, we are also manually backing up all course content from the Fall of 2018 through the Spring of 2025, this includes all ePortfolio course shells regardless of when they were created.
- If you are concerned that something impmortant to you could be missed, you are more than welcome to export your courses, individually, by following these instructions. How to Export A Course From Brightspace | How to Import a Brightspace Course Into Canvas
- If you have any specific course shells that are not actual courses, such as sandboxes, advising rooms, master course shells, etc that need to be backed up and/or migrated, please add them to the form that Paul Lynch has sent to all faculty and adjuncts.
Learn Canvas
faculty & staff
We offer several learning pathways, including videos, web-based tutorials, and in-person training (both live and virtual).
November 2024 - July 2025 Canvas Faculty Training Calendar
Canvas Training Calendar and additional information
(Please note: if you are not signed into your Microsoft account, you will be prompted to sign in to see the training calendar document)