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Course & Program Options for you

Great Falls College offers courses and programs in a variety of formats to meet your needs.

Program Types


Learn through regularly scheduled class times with the instructor and classmates in onsite programs.

  • Scheduled class meeting times
  • Specific location required

Live Online

Participate in real-time without coming to campus through Live Online programs.

  • Scheduled virtual class meeting times
  • No specific location required
  • May include some individual online learning


Complete the program online, with deadlines but no set meeting times or location.

  • No scheduled class meeting times
  • No specific location required

Online with Limited onsite

Complete the program mostly online with short onsite, hands-on learning opportunities.

  • Some scheduled class meeting times, most work completed online
  • Specific location may be required for short, onsite activities, such as labs and clinicals

Course Types


Do you learn best with others in a structured setting? Meet regularly with the instructor and classmates in onsite classes.

  • Scheduled class meeting times
  • Specific location required


Need flexibility due to work and family commitments? Live outside of Great Falls? Can you manage your time well? Benefit from online classes with deadlines but no set class meeting times or location.

  • No scheduled class meeting times or required location
  • May or may not have recorded instruction

Live Online

Live outside of Great Falls? Do you like learning directly from the instructor and classmates? Enjoy personal interactions without coming to campus through Live Online classes.

  • Scheduled virtual class meeting times
  • No specific location required

Combined online/onsite

Have a busy schedule but learn best directly from an instructor? Combined online/onsite courses meet regularly but for less time than onsite courses and deliver part of the learning online.

  • Some scheduled class meeting times, could be onsite or live online, with 2-%-to-80% online
  • Specific location required for onsite portion, but not for online work

Online with Limited Onsite

Need flexibility? Live outside of the Great Falls area? Do you manage your time well? Learn mostly online with short live/online or hands-on learning opportunities, such as labs, speeches and clinicals.

  • Some scheduled class meeting times, at least 80% of the cork completed online
  • Specific location required for short, onsite activities

Your choice

Need flexibility? Learn well on your own or with others/ Live in or outside of Great Falls? Your Choice courses offer the greatest flexibility. You choose to join the scheduled meetings onsite or live online, or to complete the work all online.

  • Scheduled class mettings available but work can also be completed online
  • Specific location for onsite meetings but not required for live online or online


Ready to practice your skills and learn in a job setting? Work-based courses provide workplace experiences with support from instructors, such as internships, clinicals and practicums.

  • Scheduled times in a workplace setting
  • May include onsite, live online or online support meetings with instructor

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