Academic Success & Accessibility
Contact Information

Kathy Meier
Director of Academic Success & Accessibility
Ph: (406) 771-4311
F: (406) 771-4342
Location: A116 on the first level of Weaver Library
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Sign Language Interpreter Services/ Remote Captioning for Campus Events
Great Falls College agrees to provide sign language interpreters for students, employees, and visitors who request this accommodation with at least five working days’ notice for any campus activity (e.g., classes, tutoring sessions, advising sessions) or College-sponsored events. Attempts will be made to fill requests that are received less than five working days before the event or activity, but interpreter availability cannot be guaranteed within that timeframe. Last minute requests cannot be guaranteed. However, attempts will be made to have sign language/remote captioning services available.
Requests for interpreters should be directed to the Director of Academic Success & Accessibility and must include the following information:
- Date(s) and time(s) interpreters are needed
- Nature and purpose of event/activity
The office of Academic Success and Accessibility agrees to pay (or co-pay with Vocational Rehabilitation when possible) interpreting costs for currently enrolled students in all activities directly related to their educational pursuits (e.g. classes, tutoring sessions, meetings with instructors/advisors, clinicals). All other interpreting requests must be paid for by the department, program, or entity making the request (e.g. For Associated Student Government meetings where deaf students are in attendance and provide adequate notice of their intent to attend, ASG must pay for the interpreter).
Cancellation of interpreter services must be made at least one working day in advance of the event/activity in order to avoid cancellation fees.
The College does not provide interpreters or captioning services for events that are not sponsored by the College. These activities may include:
- Working with a private tutor
- Non-campus sponsored events
To arrange for sign language interpreter or captioning services for campus events, please contact the office of Academic Success and Accessibility as far in advance as possible.