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Events Services

Contact Information

Photo of Toni Quinn

Toni Quinn
Academic Affairs & Events Coordinator

Ph: (406) 771-2268

Campus Policies, Procedures & Accessibility

At Great Falls College, we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all event attendees. Please take a moment to review our campus policies to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.  For more details on specific policies, please refer to the sections below or contact Event Services for further information.

Certificate of Liability

Any damages to the campus, facilities, equipment or persons in attendance will be the responsibility of the company and/or party signing this agreement. To avoid personal responsibility, please provide Great Falls College MSU with a Certificate of Liability Insurance from your insurance carrier with Great Falls College MSU named as the additional insured. For events where alcohol is served a Certificate of Liability will be required. 

  • Please use only mylar balloons for decoration to protect those with latex sensitivity. 
  • Please ask permission prior to posting materials on walls or any other surface. 
  • Bringing extension cords will provide you with flexibility in room set up.

Accommodations for those who are hearing, sight, or mobility impaired may be made through Academic Success and Accessibility.  Please be aware that in some cases there will be a charge for services. For example, should a sign language interpreter be required, there is an hourly rate available from Academic Success and Accessibility. 

Great Falls College requires security to be present at after-hours events or any event in which alcohol is present. A Securitas security guard will be hired by Great Falls College for the event at the cost of $50 per hour to the organization hosting the event. 

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