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Financial Aid Office

Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Ph: (406) 771-4334
: Student Central

Complete the FAFSA

FAFSA School Code: 009314

The Federal Student Aid Estimator provides an estimate of how much federal student aid you may be eligible to receive. These estimates are based on the Student Aid Index (SAI), an index number used to determine federal student aid eligibility.

Tips for filling out the FAFSA: Filling Out the FAFSA® Form | Federal Student Aid

FAFSA help – find answers to common questions: https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-out/help

Check out a variety of helpful videos on the FSA/FAFSA YouTube Channel: Federal Student Aid – YouTube


Please click on a scholarship to find out more about requirements and deadlines.




Other available scholarships

The scholarship is awarded to nontraditional students working on an associate degree, certificate or equivalent and is awarded in the fall for the upcoming spring semester.

Applicant requirements:

  • Must be a resident of Cascade County
  • Must be a nontraditional student, i.e. someone whose formal education has been interrupted, whether before or after finishing high school
  • Must be enrolled in a program leading to an associate degree, certificate or equivalent
  • Must have earned 24 credits by the end of this fall semester
  • Must be attending a college or university accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges or another association recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation


Application (paper applications also are available from the Financial Aid office)


Deadline: October 25, 2024

The General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant program, also known as the Hap Arnold Grant, is the centerpiece of AFAS education support. The application process for the Arnold Education Grant serves as the platform for other key education support opportunities at the Society.

The Hap Arnold Grant is competitive in its need-based selection criteria and is uniquely tailored to recognize the proper weighing of family income and education costs.

Grants ranging from $500 to $4,000 are awarded to eligible Air Force and Space Force dependents each year. The specific amount awarded correlates to a student’s particular level of financial need.

A unique feature to this program – each grant awarded carries the name of an individual or organization exemplifying service to the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force, and that biographical information is sent to each grant recipient. 

Additional information and application are available at www.afas.org.

Deadline: Check scholarship website for deadline information

The American Indian College Fund was established in 1989 to provide scholarships to American Indian/Alaska Native students attending tribal colleges, and to fund and create awareness about the community-based accredited tribal colleges and universities that offer students access to knowledge and skills alongside Native culture, language, and values.

Any Native American U.S. citizen who is a member or descendant of a state or federally recognized tribe with at least a 2.0 grade point average and enrolled as a full-time student can apply for a scholarship.

What You’ll Need

Digital photo – please provide a professional looking picture
Tribal affiliation – your proof of tribal enrollment (or CIB), or your parent/grandparent’s enrollment with your birth certificate
Transcript – Most recent high school or college (official not needed)

To get started on funding your exciting future, click on the following link to learn how to apply: https://collegefund.org/students/scholarships/

Deadline: Check website for deadlines

Who is eligible for Army Emergency Relief (AER) scholarships?

Spouses and children of soldiers in the following statuses are eligible to apply for our scholarship programs: Active Duty, Deceased Active, Retired, Deceased Retired, Medically Retired, Grey Area Retiree, AGR and ARNG / USAR on Title 10 Orders for the entire academic year for which they are applying.  

Applicants must be listed as dependents of their Soldier Sponsor in DEERS. 

Applicants for the MG James Ursano Children’s Scholarship Program must be under the age of 24. 

Recipients must be pursuing their first undergraduate degree (exceptions may be made for Spouse Scholarship applicants) at a college or university listed in the US Department of Education’s accreditation database. Trade schools are acceptable as well. 

Are scholarship awards the same every year?
Scholarship awards vary each year based on the total number of applicants in each program and budget amount allotted to the scholarship program.

How are scholarship funds distributed?
If you are awarded a scholarship, the scholarship funds are mailed directly to the school indicated on your scholarship agreement prior to each term for which you have been awarded. The funds may be used for tuition, fees, books, and supplies. For recipients of the MG James Ursano Dependent Children’s Scholarship program, funds may also be used for room and board expenses.

For more information or to apply visit: https://www.armyemergencyrelief.org/scholarships/

Deadline: Check scholarship website for deadline information

Billings Clinic and Billings Clinic Foundation are pleased to offer a variety of scholarship opportunities for students interested in pursuing a career in health care. Scholarships are awarded to individuals who exhibit a strong desire and potential to excel in the health care field.

For more information and application materials please visit: http://www.billingsclinic.com/foundation/scholarships/

Deadline: Deadlines vary

Propelled partially by the surging Baby Boomer population, nurses are in ever high demand (employment of RNs is expected to grow by 15 percent over the next decade). That makes a nursing degree a smart investment for those who are passionate about helping patients in senior care settings. Most assisted living communities across the U.S. hire on-site or on-call RNs to provide care to their residents, since personal care staff members are typically not permitted by law to provide medical care.

Students interested in pursuing a career in nursing and senior care can choose from a number of different degree programs. Some common nursing degrees in the U.S. include an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN), a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BDN), a master’s degree in nursing (MDN) or a doctor of nursing practice degree (DNP). Coursework often include sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, nutrition and psychology.

Scholarship deadlines and amounts vary. Please follow the link to apply: https://www.caring.com/caregivers/scholarships-for-careers-in-assisted-living/#scholarships-for-nursing-students

Deadline: Deadlines vary

Scholarship Application Details
AED.us awards one (1) $1,500 scholarship each semester to a qualified student. To apply, complete the following steps:

  • Locate and take a picture of an AED in your community.
  • Interview someone who has used an AED (e.g. EMS, Fire Department, Law Enforcement)
  • Record a 1-2 minute video of them describing a time when an AED saved or could have saved a life.
  • Write a 300-500 word summary of the interview.
  • Submit the picture, video, and summary to our team at [email protected].


Application Deadlines
To be eligible for selection, students must submit an application by the appropriate deadline:

Fall Semester: July 1st
Spring Semester: December 1st

Who Can Apply?
Applicants must be high school seniors or enrolled in an accredited college or university to be eligible to receive this scholarship.

Apply at: https://www.aed.us/resources/scholarship-program

Deadline: Deadlines vary

Based on the student’s unique profile, Fastweb provides access to scholarship and internship matches, financial aid tips, student life information, a College Scholarship app for iphone and android devices, and part-time jobs powered by Monster.com. 

Search at https://www.fastweb.com/

Deadline: Deadlines vary

Fletcher’s Scholarship Fund
Fletcher Courtnage-McKinsey Foundation, Inc.
Fletcher Courtnage-McKinsey Memorial Scholarship – Information Sheet

Fletcher Courtnage-McKinsey (1992-2013) was a young man whose life was cut short just as he was preparing to begin his higher education. The Fletcher Courtnage-McKinsey Foundation, Inc. was created in his memory. Its purpose is to assist non-traditional students to further their education, improve potential job skills and encourage personal enrichment. Annual scholarships will be awarded.

Eligibility: Open to any Montana non-traditional student (as characterized by the National Center for Educational Statistics) who meets two or more of the following definitions:

Delays enrollment (does not enter post-secondary education in the same calendar year that he or she finished high school);
Attends part-time for at least part of the academic year;
Is considered financially independent for purposes of determining eligibility for financial aid;
Has a high school diploma or completed high school with a GED or other high school completion certificate;
Open to any Montana resident meeting the non-traditional student eligibility criteria above who is seeking funding to attend a Montana two- or four-year college, university or technical school for any area of study on a full- or part-time basis.

Note: Foundation board members and their immediate family are not eligible for this scholarship.

Award criteria: Must meet the above eligibility criteria, complete the on-line application, and submit electronically a double-spaced, typed essay (12 point type) no longer than three pages in length on the following topic: What advice would you give to your younger self?

Amount: Two $500 scholarships will be awarded annually. The scholarship must be used in the academic year it is awarded.

Apply at https://www.fletchersfund.org/fletchers-scholarship-form/

Deadline: May 15th

Qualifying recipients will receive $1,500 for full-time or $750 for part-time enrollment. This scholarship is applicable to many technical and trade focused programs. Eligible programs include automotive technology, plumbing, electronics, construction, diesel technology, cybersecurity, and dozens of other computer and technical programs.

General Information
This scholarship is applicable to many technical and trade focused programs, and requires applicants meet specific criteria including filing a FAFSA and being a Montana resident. Qualifying recipients will receive $1,500 for full-time or $750 for part-time enrollment. Applicants must be currently enrolled during the term they are applying for. More information is available in the Gianforte Trade and Technology Scholarship Fact Sheet.

Students may receive a combination of scholarships over their enrollment period but may
not receive more than $6,000 total from this Program

Eligibility Requirements

To receive $1,500 per semester for full time students; $750 per semester for part-time students applicants must:

  • Must be a resident of the state of Montana per Board of Regents Policy 940.1
  • File a FAFSA (dual credit students are not required to file a FAFSA)
  • Have Unmet Need (Cost of Attendance minus Expected Family Contribution minus other aid except loans = Unmet Need)
  • Be in Good Standing at a qualifying campus (Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress [SAP])
  • Take a minimum of 6 credits in qualifying program


Apply at https://applymontana.mus.edu/paying-for-school/scholarships/gianforte-trade-and-technology-scholarships.html

Deadline: Fall Deadline: September 1

As one of the nation’s largest need-based college scholarship programs, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. While many programs are directed primarily to recognizing academic achievement or leadership potential, the Horatio Alger Association seeks students who have exhibited determination, integrity, and perseverance in overcoming adversity, as well as have critical financial need.

Apply at https://scholars.horatioalger.org/about-our-scholarship-programs/

Deadline: Deadlines vary

The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation strongly supported nationally by volunteers. The Foundation provides financial assistance in the form of scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of current or former United States Marines in their pursuit of higher education.  One year scholarships (ranging from $1000 to $10000) are awarded annually and are limited to undergraduate students at accredited educational/technical institutions.


  • Active duty or reserve U.S. Marine
  • Veteran U.S. Marine who has received an honorable discharge, or who was killed while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps
  • Active duty or reserve U.S. Navy Corpsman who is serving, or has served, with a U.S. Marine unit
  • Veteran U.S. Navy Corpsman who served with a U.S. Marine unit and has received an honorable discharge, or was killed while serving in the U.S. Navy as a Corpsman attached to a Marine unit


Additionally, applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • GPA of at least 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
  • Family adjusted gross income for the 2018 tax year that does not exceed $95,000. Non-taxable allowances are not included in determining adjusted gross income
  • Planning to attend an accredited undergraduate college or career training school in the upcoming academic year. We verify accreditation through College Navigator. Students attending schools not listed in College Navigator will not be eligible for an award.


Application available on-line at: https://www.mcsf.org/scholarship/

Deadline: Deadlines vary

The Microsoft Cybersecurity Scholarship Program supports community college degree and industry certificate completion through scholarships (up to $500) and subsidies for cyber security certification exam costs (up to $375). Financial assistance is intended to cover short-term basic needs, such as food, rent, health-related, transportation/car issues, and/or a laptop/device. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Residents of the United States AND
  •  Students currently enrolled in a cybersecurity-related program at a two-year institution,
    such as a community college or technical school, AND
  • Students who have documentation showing evidence of need: which can include Pell
    Grant eligibility, financial aid award letter, or other explanation of need


What kind of assistance is available?

  • Financial assistance up to $500, OR
  • Subsidies to cover the cost of cybersecurity certification licensing exams up to $375
  •  AND free LinkedIn Premium accounts to help close the networking gap
  • AND access to local GitHub sponsored events and GitHub Education benefits, including
    the Student Developer Pack


All students with financial need are eligible to apply. Students from groups who are
underrepresented in cybersecurity are especially encouraged to apply, including those who identify as women, non-binary, and/or Black/LatinX/Indigenous, veterans, and/or have a disability.

For more information and to apply, visit https://www.lastmile-ed.org/microsoftcybersecurityscholarship

The Montana Space Grant Consortium, which is supported by NASA, is pleased to offer $1,000 annual scholarships, with automatic renewal for up to two additional years at $1,500 a year (certain conditions apply; please check the MT Space Grant Consortium website for additional details)! These scholarships are available to GFC MSU students in the fields of science, math, engineering, technology, or other areas of interest to NASA, which include health and business. The scholarship is for tuition and is based on academic excellence, the student’s career goals, how they tie to NASA, and their letter of recommendation. The deadline for application is Oct. 1st.

Online applications and instructions can be found at: https://spacegrant.montana.edu/two-year-scholarship.html

The Montana Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) includes a range of member colleges and universities in Montana, Including Great Falls College MSU. Only students that are US citizens and are currently attending one of the Consortium’s member campuses are eligible for the scholarships. The campus affiliate at Great Falls College is math instructor Dr. Toni Sawhill, who can be contacted at [email protected] or 406-771-2281.

Deadline: Applications are due each year on Oct. 1

We’ve curated a list of state and local scholarships for Montana students. Our experience working with students and scholarships for many years has shown that students are typically more successful earning local scholarships, as there are generally fewer students competing for these awards compared to national scholarships.

Check out our Reach Higher Montana Scholarship Opportunities:

Stick with Scholarships
Opens Nov. 1, closes Nov. 30
High school students have a chance to win one of four $500 scholarships, and additional prizes by posting a picture of one of our stickers to Instagram or Facebook and tagging us. This opportunity is open to all Montana high school students.

Reach Higher Montana Scholarship
Opens Dec. 1, closes Jan. 15
Reach Higher Montana awards up to 80 – $1,000 scholarships to Montana high school seniors and current college students.

Design a Sticker, Win a Scholarship
Opens Feb.1, closes Mar. 15
Design our next sticker for a chance to earn a $1,500, $1,000 or $500 scholarship. Six scholarships will be awarded, this opportunity is open to all Montana high school students.

Senior Send-off
Opens Mar. 1, closes Apr. 15
Reach Higher Montana is giving away over $30,000 in prizes, including (10) $1,000 scholarships, (10) $1,000 Tool and Equipment packages and much more. Upload a video or photo and tell us about your plans after high school. Open to all Montana high school seniors.

To apply visit: http://www.reachhighermontana.org

Tom Pick (1949-2016) was a dedicated servant to the cause of conservation and community development. Tom formally served his country as a military policeman during Vietnam, as an Agricultural Advisor on a Reconstruction Team in Iraq in 2009-11, and with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service over a 35-year distinguished career.  He also was a multi-year board member and special project coordinator with the MT Chapter of SWCS and the Bozeman Chapter of Pheasants Forever.  This scholarship is named, in his honor, and for his dedication to mentorship and teaching. The Montana Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) and Montana Pheasants Forever Chapters are the sponsors. The two scholarships awarded are +-$500 each for current college students.  One scholarship will typically be given to a freshman/sophomore recipient and the other to a recipient at the junior/senior level.

SWCS Scholarship Application

Deadline: November 15, 2024

USDGA supports the future of durum production with (2) $1,000 annual scholarships awarded to college students majoring in agriculture.
Completed applications can be returned to the ND Community Foundation as listed on the application between Aug. 1 – Oct. 15.

 Monroe Scheflo Scholarship
Applicants must be a fulltime college student from North Dakota pursuing a degree in agriculture.  The scholarship fund is in memory of Monroe Scheflo, who served as the USDGA president from 1982-1984.

USDGA Scholarship
Applicants must be a fulltime college student from a durum producing state pursuing a degree in agriculture.
 Scholarship recipients are recognized during the evening banquet of the Crop Outlook and  International Durum Forum in November.

 Questions regarding the scholarship can be directed to [email protected] or 701-355-4458.

Apply at: https://www.durumgrowers.com/scholarships-

Contest Description: Varsity Tutors holds a monthly $1000 college scholarship contest where students write an essay in response to a monthly prompt. Entries are reviewed by the Varsity Tutors at the end of the month and one winner is subsequently chosen to recieve the $1,000 college scholarship. 

Interested students can enter the contest here: http://www.varsitytutors.com/college-scholarship

See website for deadlines – monthly entries accepted

Deadline: Monthly entries accepted

Financial Aid Department


Call: (406) 771-4334

Email or Fax

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (406) 771-4410

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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