Weaver Library
Library Hours
Monday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.*
Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.*
Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.*
Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.*
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 12-4 p.m.**
*Only students allowed after 5PM
**Only students allowed.
**Sunday Availability:
- March: 2, 23, 30
- April: 6, 13, 20, 27
- May: 4
About Course Reserves
At the Great Falls College Weaver Library, the Course Reserves collection consists of print and media materials available for students to check out at the circulation desk. These materials have been identified by instructors as key resources or supplemental resources to help students complete coursework. This collection provides short-term access to high-demand materials in support of courses offered at Great Falls College. Reserve materials are intended for non-commercial, educational use by students. If you would like to see a course material in the Reserves collection, please speak to your instructor and encourage them to contact the library about Course Reserves.
Current Course Reserves
CAPP 110: Short Courses MS Outlook
Microsoft Outlook 2021 & 365 Level 1 by Alex Scott
Loan period: 2 days
CAPP 131: Basic MS Office
Technology for Success: Microsoft 365 & Office 2021 (The Shelly Chasman Series, multiple authors)
Loan period: 2 days
CAS 140: Addictions and Diversity
Embracing Diversity: Treatment and Care in Addictions Counseling by Tiffany Lee, Ph.D.
Loan period: 2 days
CAS 252: Gambling and Game Disorders in Substance Abuse Counseling
Gambling Disorder by Adreas Heinz, Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth & Marc N. Potenza
Loan period: 2 days
COMX 115: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Looking Out Looking In by Ronald B Adler & Russell F. Proctor
Dual Enrollment collection, Loan period: 8 week block
DENT 110: Theory of Infection Control and Disease Prevention
Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team by Chris H. Miller
Loan period: 2 days
EDEC 251: Montana Preschool Teacher Education
The Intentional Teacher: Choosing the Best Strategies for Young Children’s Learning by Ann S. Epstein
Dual Enrollment collection, Loan period: 8 week block
EDU: 200: Introduction to Education
Teach: Introduction to Education by Janice Kock
Dual Enrollment collection, Loan period: 8 week block
EDU 211: Multicultural Education
Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education by Sonia Nieto & Patty Bode
Dual Enrollment collection, Loan period: 8 week block
EDU 221: Educational Psychology and Measurement
Educational Psychology by John W. Santrock
Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom by Kristin Soures & Pete Hall
Dual Enrollment collection, Loan period: 8 week block
GEO 101: Introduction to Physical Geology
Geoscience Laboratory by Tom Freeman
Loan period: 2 days
LIT 110: Introduction to Literature
The Art of the Personal Essay by Phillip Lopate
The Art of the Short Story by Daniel Halpern
The Best American Essays 2022 ed. by Alexander Chee
The Best American Essays 2023 ed. by Vivian Gornick
The Best American Poetry 2023 ed. by David Lehman
The Best American Short Stories 2023 ed. by Min Jin Lee
The Best American Short Stories 2022 ed. by Andrew Sean Greer
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction ed. by Richard Bausch
The Norton Introduction to Literature 13th ed. by Kelly J. Mays
The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction ed. by Linda Peterson
The Penguin Book of the Modern American Short Story ed. by John Freeman
The Vintage Book of Contenporary American Short Stories ed. by Tobias Wolff
Loan period: 2 days
NASX 240: Native American Literature
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology eds. Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst
Swim Home to the Vanished by Brendan Shay Basham
There There by Tommy Orange
Tracks by Louise Erdrich
Two Old Women by Velma Wallis
Loan period: 2 days
NRSG 230: Nursing Pharmacology
Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach by Linda E. McCuistion
Loan period: 2 days
PSYX 230: Developmental Psychology
Life: The Essentials of Human Development by Gabriela Martorell
Dual Enrollment collection, Loan period: 8 week block
WRIT 101: College Writing I
The Norton Field Guide to Writing: With Readings and Handbook 6e by Richard H Bullock
Dual Enrollment collection, Loan period: 8 week block
Borrowing Course Reserves
To check out a reserve material:
- Visit the library’s circulation desk and ask staff for a list of reserves.
- Provide library staff with the course number and title of the reserve item from the list.
- Provide your NetID or Student ID number to check out the item. If you do not know your ID numbers, you can obtain them by logging into Banner/Web or visiting Student Central.
- Library staff will check out the reserve item to you and inform you of the due date.
- Items are due back by the date indicated at time of check-out.
Dual enrollment collection priority given to dual enrollment students.
Faculty - Placing Items on Course Reserve
Faculty may request that an item owned by the library is placed on course reserve. Faculty may also provide their own copies of materials to be placed on reserve. To request a course reserve, please fill out the Request for Materials to be Placed on Reserve form.