Alum crafts metal Freedom Flag to honor veterans

Alum crafts metal Freedom Flag to honor veterans

GREAT FALLS— Great Falls College MSU alum, Jason Garneau, recently completed and installed a metal American Flag at the college to thank veterans for their service to our country.

The "Freedom Flag" installation created by graduate Jason Garneau

When this concept was first brought to the table, staff and faculty thought who better to commission than one of our own veteran graduates, Jason Garneau.

“For me, the flag symbolizes what we are in the military for –freedom,” said Jason Garneau. “I was in the Navy and the dedication to the flag was my highest honor…the flag is always a symbol of our freedom and dedication in serving to protect our country.”

Garneau served in the United States Navy for over 16 years and is a graduate of the GFC MSU class of 2015 & 2016. During his time at the college, he earned two Certificate of Technology Studies (Welding & Fabrication Tier 1 & 2) and a Certificate of Applied Science in Welding Technology & Fabrication.

“Jason is one of those students you just love to have in class and always had his work done on time,” said Doug Zander, GFC MSU welding instructor. “He finished school, kept a full time job on the military base and ran his own private business from home.”

Garneau currently runs his own metal works business, After Image Metal Art, with many of his pieces housed around Montana, now including Great Falls College MSU Freedom Hall. He says that each piece he creates is made by hand using a handheld plasma cutter making each piece uniquely cut and burnt.

In addition to running his own business, Garneau teaches an artistic plasma class with Zander through GFC MSU Lifelong Learning.

For media requests, please contact:

Taylor Alexander
Communications and Marketing Specialist
Phone: 406-771-4314
[email protected]

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