Bringing the U to You Lecture Series begins Tuesday, Jan. 18

Bringing the U to You Lecture Series begins Tuesday

The Bringing the U to You Great Falls Lecture Series, featuring presenters from both Montana State University and the University of Montana, will begin Tuesday on Great Falls College MSU’s campus when MSU professor Rob Maher presents, “Hey, What’s that sound? Acoustical research from soundscapes to audio forensic analysis.”

Maher, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and affiliate professor of music technology in the school of music, will present at 7 p.m. on Jan. 18 in Heritage Hall.

Tony Ward, professor and chair of UM’s school of public health and community health sciences, is next on Feb. 1 with a presentation that will highlight some of the research ongoing at UM related to public health. He also will highlight some of the service activities related to supporting public health throughout the state of Montana.

MSU’s Aaron Pruitt, director and general manager of Montana PBS and KUSM-TV in Bozeman, will team up with UM’s Ray Ekness, director and general manager of Montana PBS and KUFM-TV in Missoula, to talk about how public television serves the state on Feb. 15.

The series concludes on March 1 with MSU nursing professor Laura Larsson who will blend storytelling and science to share the health topics that matter to Montanans.

The Bringing the U to You Lecture Series is a collaborative effort of the MSU and UM alumni associations.

Each lecture is scheduled for 7 p.m. and costs $10 per lecture. Tickets purchased at the door.

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